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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 20, 2011
Upgraded to Safari 12 and found out that MS SharePoint plug-in is not working anymore. The plug-in is just not showing up anymore under Preferences > Websites > Plug-ins even though I have the plug-in files properly in place in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ folder. Also tried running the latest plug-in installer (.pkg) from the MS site linked above and rebooting but without luck.

It looks like this issue is related to Safari 12's discontinued support for NPAPI plug-ins. Safari 12 release notes says:

"Removed support for running legacy NPAPI plug-ins other than Adobe Flash"​

Likewise, MS Silverlight plug-in is not working anymore and according to my understanding it plays some role in using Sharepoint sites on Safari.

This issue is really critical to me as I can't anymore edit documents in SharePoint sites at my work! I'm also bit doubtful that Microsoft would release any fix to this shortly...

Couple of questions:

  1. Does anyone have any more insight about this issue?

  2. The Sharepoint plug-in was working fine in the previous version of Safari (11.1.2). Is there any way to downgrade Safari back to previous version? Unfortunately I don't have Time Machine or any other backups of the operating system.
  3. Any other ideas how to solve or circumvent this issue?

Any comments would be highly appreciated!
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