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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 11, 2004
I can't get any files to transfer via MSN file sharing, with I on a Windows XP PC that file transfer has worked with with every other Windows MSN user, and the sender on a new Mac with MSN 4.0. She gets a "The connection is blocked" popup right after I accept the trasnfer of the file, and then it ends. Likewise me sending to her. These problems have worked with everyone else she's tried sending files to.

I'm betting these are firewall issues on her end, can anyone share how to help?
Mac MSN Messenger is a little more finnicky. Do you have the OS X firewall turned on?
If so, I made a firewall rule called "MSN Messenger" that allows these ports:

You might try opening those ports on the PC side too.

Lee Tom
Are you using the very latest version? Supposedly version 4.0 has improved transfer over previous ones.

Lee Tom
LeeTom said:
Are you using the very latest version? Supposedly version 4.0 has improved transfer over previous ones.

Lee Tom

Yeah, using 4.0. I found the "improved" file transfer thing ironic, lol.
If you're behind a NAT, you might try forwarding those ports to your IP? Just a thought...

Lee Tom
Ok, I'll try that. How would I go about doing that? Btw, thanks for all your help.
Is the other person on a corporate network, or home? If she is on a corporate network, their might not be anything she can do to receive the files as most corporate networks block IM file transfers (depending on the analness of the admins).
At home. But it's connecting to the internet via Airport - there's a wireless net thing hooked up to their PC computer. If there was a firewall on on this computer, would that affect the Mac in any way?
What is the Airport connected to? a router or the cable/dsl modem? If its a router, you will have to setup some port forwarding so the router knows which computer on the network to send it to.
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