Hello all. I looking to buy a MacBook Pro at some stage in the near future. But I have a couple of questions.
A bit of background first. Currently, my household has two PCs. My is a UK spec laptop with WinXP. My wife's is a Japanese spec laptop with Jpn Edition of WinXP. We have a (Japanese sourced) Canon PIXUS950 printer (called the PIXMA 950 in the US), which I then downloaded USA English language drivers for us on my computer.
We are looking to switch to Apple, and given that OS X (and the bundled iLife software) is multilingual depending on user preferences, it would mean that we would probably purchase just the one computer (a 15.4 inch) and spend the other money on an external monitor.
I'm a bit of a newbie to OS X (currently reading through some off and online material to get up to speed), and on of things I'm wondering about is installing multiple sets of application software and/or drivers.
For example, in Windows, the Printer Drivers that come with the Canon enable extra settings to be changed in the Printer dialogs. In Windows, you have to download specific language drivers.
So in OS X, would it be possible for me to install Mac Printer drivers just for my user account, and then install the Japanese language version for my wife in her user account?
I've been trying to read the Mac specific manuals for my printer on the US site, but unfortunally the Mac Help document is a dmg file, so I can't read it.
This page (http://guides.macrumors.com/Library) seems to imply that I could install multiple drivers if I needed to... but your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
A bit of background first. Currently, my household has two PCs. My is a UK spec laptop with WinXP. My wife's is a Japanese spec laptop with Jpn Edition of WinXP. We have a (Japanese sourced) Canon PIXUS950 printer (called the PIXMA 950 in the US), which I then downloaded USA English language drivers for us on my computer.
We are looking to switch to Apple, and given that OS X (and the bundled iLife software) is multilingual depending on user preferences, it would mean that we would probably purchase just the one computer (a 15.4 inch) and spend the other money on an external monitor.
I'm a bit of a newbie to OS X (currently reading through some off and online material to get up to speed), and on of things I'm wondering about is installing multiple sets of application software and/or drivers.
For example, in Windows, the Printer Drivers that come with the Canon enable extra settings to be changed in the Printer dialogs. In Windows, you have to download specific language drivers.
So in OS X, would it be possible for me to install Mac Printer drivers just for my user account, and then install the Japanese language version for my wife in her user account?
I've been trying to read the Mac specific manuals for my printer on the US site, but unfortunally the Mac Help document is a dmg file, so I can't read it.
This page (http://guides.macrumors.com/Library) seems to imply that I could install multiple drivers if I needed to... but your thoughts on this would be appreciated.