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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
South America

I have a Sony P200 camera ( I know, not a pro camera)... anyway, some of my pictures are done in burst and multiburst creating a GIF file, but when I import them into my mac (iphoto) i just see a picture with all the small images, losing what a gif file is intended to be... is there a way to fix this?



macrumors regular
May 1, 2007

I have a Sony P200 camera ( I know, not a pro camera)... anyway, some of my pictures are done in burst and multiburst creating a GIF file, but when I import them into my mac (iphoto) i just see a picture with all the small images, losing what a gif file is intended to be... is there a way to fix this?

What you see is what you get. Its "multi-burst" mode captures 16 small images at a time, at rates as high as 30 frames/second. It takes those small images and joins them into one full size image. The fastest full size image mode is 1 per second up to 5 shots.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
South America
I understand, but I remember that in my old PC those images were opened as GIF files meaning that I would see the movement on each of them.

do you understand?

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
I understand that you think your camera is producing an 'animated GIF'. But it isn't. It's producing a JPEG (which isn't animated,) containing the 'grid' of small pictures you see on your computer. The camera just knows (because it tags it internally,) that this picture was taken with the intent to be an animation, and does the animation aspect in itself.

(edit/caveat: From what I can tell, your model does what I mention above. Apparently really old Sony still cams (ironically including one I used to own, but never used that function of,) actually did produce an animated GIF. In that case, though, it should appear as an animated GIF on the computer, *NOT* as a 'grid' image.)
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