That doesn't matter, related to the pop/imap question. The best way to deal with your email while using multiple devices (e.g. iphone, macbook, pc) is setting up IMAP, not POP.
In the case that you use POP, as you suggested, on your PC, it will pull the email off the server, as
@eyoungren states. There is no option for you to view that email on your phone! You should not use POP on one device, and IMAP on another. Use IMAP on both, or your inbox will become a mess.
I use my phone with:
- work related mail (a Microsoft Exchange acccount);
- personal mail (gmail)
- personal mail (icloud)
Then, on my Mac, I use only gmail and icloud, and on the work pc, I only use the Exchange account. None of these accounts uses POP on any device, because I want my mail accessible anywhere anytime on every device. This will only work with IMAP.
EDIT: you said you want it to download all the mail to your harddrive. IMAP does this, it just doesn't delete it from your server. I don't completely get why you do not want to download to your phone.