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Original poster
May 6, 2016
San Diego, CA
Has anyone else experienced this? No matter how many times I’ve renamed my two HomePods, such as HomePod Kitchen and HomePod Bedroom, the iCloud device list won’t update. Everywhere I go, the Apple support page,, my iCloud profile in my iPhone, etc, the names won’t change from HomePod and HomePod (2). Every other idevice name updates when I change them except these two blasted things. Oddly enough the names stay correct in the Home app, from device selection in AirPlay, etc. Are others seeing this happen? Thanks!
I had an odd occurrence. The first name I gave it was Bedroom because it was in my bedroom. I was under the impression that it actually changes the settings based on what type of room you're in, so when I moved it to my living room for a few hours I changed it to Living Room... but since I've put it back in my bedroom it has ignored my attempts to rename it "bedroom" again and insists on remaining Living Room.
Are you renaming them by using the a Home app to ‘move’ them into another room?
I use the Home app to edit the HomePod, I edit both the name and select what room it is located in. I've even tried both swapping rooms and naming them to something random, and they still only show up as HomePod and HomePod (2) in my iCloud devices list. I can only assume at this point it's some sort of bug on Apple's end?


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This is common with renaming iCloud devices and honestly I don't know what the trigger is that fixes it. This happened with my AppleTV's.

When you goto the Home app, highlight the Home tab at the bottom left (where it says Home, Rooms, Automation), then click on the GPS icon in the upper left under Home Hubs what are the names of your HomePods correct or incorrect vs what you renamed it too?

Then if you goto from a computer (not an iOS device), click on settings, are the names of your HomePods correct or incorrect vs what you renamed it too?

Finally when you AirPlay from devices and iTunes are the names correct compared to what you renamed them too?

Currently my HomePod is named correctly everywhere EXCEPT on my iOS devices in settings > iCloud. Home Hubs is correct, Home App is correct, iCloud is correct, AirPlay is correct but like yours in settings is "HomePod". I tried turning off ALL my iCloud devices (8 in total) hoping they would resync to no avail. My next step would be logging out and back in however I'm fearful there will be "side effects" to this that aren't worth the effort since functionally everything is perfect this is just an OCD thing for me with everything being named perfectly.

I had this problem with AppleTV's before as well. Difference was they weren't named correctly under Home Hubs and I was having trying distinguishing them when one was not responsive. This seemed to have sorted itself out LONG after I gave MONTHS.
Has anyone else experienced this? No matter how many times I’ve renamed my two HomePods, such as HomePod Kitchen and HomePod Bedroom, the iCloud device list won’t update. Everywhere I go, the Apple support page,, my iCloud profile in my iPhone, etc, the names won’t change from HomePod and HomePod (2). Every other idevice name updates when I change them except these two blasted things. Oddly enough the names stay correct in the Home app, from device selection in AirPlay, etc. Are others seeing this happen? Thanks!
Yep, I too have the same issue. I swapped the black HomePod from the bedroom to living room after buying a white HomePod for the bedroom except now they’re both Bedroom within iCloud. However, they’re displayed correctly in the Home app.
For everyone who still struggling with this:

go to your setting -> tap your name at the top -> in the device list tap the HomePod that’s not updating & remove it with the remove from account button at the bottom!

now wait a minute or two and go to your home app. Here you see an exclamation mark at the HomePod button you removed.

Go into the settings of that HomePod and there it prompts after a minute or two to put in you password(s) of you Apple ID to log it in again.

This pushes the right name in you device list in you settings app!
For everyone who still struggling with this:

go to your setting -> tap your name at the top -> in the device list tap the HomePod that’s not updating & remove it with the remove from account button at the bottom!

now wait a minute or two and go to your home app. Here you see an exclamation mark at the HomePod button you removed.

Go into the settings of that HomePod and there it prompts after a minute or two to put in you password(s) of you Apple ID to log it in again.

This pushes the right name in you device list in you settings app!
Good to know, thanks. I had this issue in the past but I think time fixed it.
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