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Original poster
Jan 27, 2020
San Francisco, CA
I know it is not out yet, and I am typing this from a cMP that has multiple OS' on separate SSDs sitting in each of my cMP's drive sleds.

With OpenCore, I can boot into and use: MacOS, Windows 11, and linux, it's just a matter of choosing which OS I want to use at boot picker.

My question/the topic for discussion on this thread is: Will the Mac Studio support multiple OS' ?

My guess is probably not as it appears that everything is baked into the SoC, and we will (likely) not have any option to add any additional storage, outside from purchase time. There was a thread about someone trying to get OpenCore to run on the nMP 7.1, but he ended up selling it and just getting a new MBP, so the thread died, but he did mention difficulties bypassing the T2.

I also bet that the T2 chip prevents anything other than MacOS running, but again, I have not personally used an AS machine, so cannot confirm.

Curious to hear the thoughts of others around this topic...
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