I want to put both 10.7 and 10.8 Installers onto a single USB drive. So long as I create multiple partitions on the drive before I start moving each OS into a respective partition, is there any reason this wouldn't work?
It would take less time to try than to bump if it doesn't work you will still have the 2 install DMG files
It will work. Just create two 8GB partitions and install each to its own partition.
Thank you. Does each have to be 8 gb? Can't a 16 gb be partioned into a three 5 gbs partitions to make room for the future 10.9 installer?
The partitions do not need to be 8GB each. I have installers for 10.7 and 10.8 plus DiskWarrior on a single 16GB flash drive. 10.7 is a 4.7GB partition, 10.8 is an 8.5GB partition with 3.5GB free (I was reusing another partition, so I could shrink it if needed). Snow Leopard did take an 8.5GB partition, because it was on a dual-layer DVD before. Lion shrunk the installer size, fortunately, and Mountain Lion raised it back up only a little (4.5GB to 5GB).
Yes, each OS installer requires an 8GB partition. This free app makes it real easy to make the USB installer key.
It does not require 8GB partitions. I have ML on a 5.5GB partition with a gig left over and Lion on a 4.5GB partition.
Why would it require 8 gigabytes?
That makes sense, I was locked into thinking in terms of USB sizes, and knew a 4GB would not work. Hypothetically, if someone sold a 5GB USB key that would work for Lion I suppose, so the partitions are logical.
It does not require 8GB partitions. I have ML on a 5.5GB partition with a gig left over and Lion on a 4.5GB partition.
Why would it require 8 gigabytes?