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macrumors G4
Original poster
Aug 24, 2003
anyone know where i can get something that let's me have a dock on the left the right and the middle at the same time as i have too many small icons at the bottom of my screen

Or perhaps a standard dock at the bottom, but with *two* rows of icons, rather than just one!
not sure if such a hack exists. i assume you've tried versiontracker?

the best remedy i can think of is to create a folder (or two) with aliases to different applications and dragging that next to trash. then you can just click-hold and launch an app by selecting its alias. any apps being used will show up on the left side of the dock, so switching is easy. this, of course, assumes that you don't leave all (most) of your apps running all the time.

edit: wouldn't i know it, it's on versiontracker today. not sure if it works well or not, but you may want to give it a try:

Dock Switcher 3
that just switches between docks i had one of those about a year and a half nothing new i want 3 docks one on the bottom and one at each side.
sorry, i don't know of any other way.

i'd personally find three docks in use simultaneously to waste to much of the desktop space, but i understand different people work different ways...

i'd try the alias folder trick i mentioned... or good luck locating an app.
Well, I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for. You can look at TLA System's Drag Thing which allows you to add an unlimited number of Docks to OSX. It's shareware and $25 to register.
check out a program called G-Dock.

It's not the most elegant, but it lets you add an extra dock where you want it.
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