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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 16, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
Odds are good that I'm getting my brand new Albook on Monday. I'm pumped, but that day, I'm staying after school to work until about nine. Can I use my PB to get online via the school's network, or should the inital configuration be for my home?
Secondly, is there an easy way to save configs for both home and school? I hate to be asking stupid questions, but I don't want to mess up my network settings by giving myself access at school. The last thing I want is a challenge setting up my airport access at home.
Extremely simple...

To do what you want to do, you can create locations in the System Preferences - Network pane. There is no need to worry about adding your home configuration after you get back. It doesn't matter.

A lot of how you set it up depends on your network connections at home and at work. If you're switching between ethernet and Airport, it's simple. You can specify the order in which network ports look for connectivity. For example, I have WiFi at home and ethernet at work. So, I set it up so that it looks for the WiFi network first. If not, it looks at the ethernet port.

Dialup is a little bit different, but everything is still set up in the Network preferences. If this is vague, I apologize. Feel free to ask for clarifications.

Networking in OS X is awesome, it's very intuitive. The ability to check connections for availability is just great, it saves a lot of time switching between settings.

Where you may get held up a little is if you have to do any manual configurations on the same port. What are your network connections at home vs. school? Are they both ethernet or split between WiFi and ethernet?

7on nice, thaks.

AT home, I'll be online on WiFi (Airport extreme to be specific). At school, it'll be a wired ethernet connection (until I hack their Wifi ;))

That LAN port on the Airport extreme base station, can I use that to plug just one device in? I'm amining to use the Airport, but still have access for my PC and PS2 without spending a lot of money.
You can get a simple network switch to connect your other LAN systems. Anything by Linksys, Netgear, D-Link should work fine. The base station should give out IPs to your wired connections through it.
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