Ok, at first I was drooling over the iPad, was sure I would buy it right away, it looked fantastic. Then the dust settled, no flash, no multitasking, no file transferring. Jobs called this a new category of product, well I am not sure I agree, right now it is just an oversized smartphone or a useless keyboardless netbook.
I really want to like this iPad. And I do to some degree. The native apps looked fantastic and I am sure they will only get better, MLB.tv looked great, all the apple designed apps do too and I am excited at the possibility of getting apps like sketchbook pro ported to the iPad.
For this marriage of Hardware and software to work though apple needs to really get OS 4.0 to open up and mature as an OS.
For gods sake include basic multitasking.
I see people on here backing them for not including it and making up x, y and z excuses for them. There is no excuse! People say well they would have a 3d game running and 3 HD videos going and it would kill battery life etc, well duh why the hell would anyone have a 3d game running if they are not playing it and hve THREE video files running. Most of us know this is mobile OSX and its for a mobile device, we dont expect (or even want maybe?) FULL DESKTOP multitasking where we can minimize anything and everything. No, all we want is basic multitaskig to be allowed like the apple apps have, for example how 'iPod' can run in background while browsing safari etc. Open up the ability to allow background processes for an app and let apple judge in the review process if its needed, for example a 3d game does not, nor does video etc. Apps like pandora or mlb.tv radio etc could, one could then listen to these internet radios while working in iWork or safari. Push just about works for IM'ing but background wins any day. Allow apps to run background processes in the why the built in apple apps do then have them reviewed on acceptance, limit it to 2 background apps at once though, ie (iPod + IM) or (Pandora + IM) No need for apps like slingbox of games to run in the background, the kill and save state for them is much better.
Flash. Ok I get it apple wants to move away from flash. Seriously though it could hurt sales. Having said that I know what importance apple have on the internet and if I were a web developer I would seriously now be looking at alternatives thinking hey, look how well the iPhone, iTouch and now iPad have sold, all these folks cant see my flash content, lets try html5 or other options. With that said I wish they would get off their high horse and let adobe develop flash for the iPhone os, until then at least stop calling in the whole web or real web, 'cos it isn't.
I got thinking though, there is a browser called skyfire for mobile devices which allows anything to be played, ajax, quicktime, flash 10 etc, something to do with server based, I watched a demo of it and it works very well, any chance of something like this hitting the iPad as this would temporarly fix the flash issue by using another browser.
Camera. Would be cool to have it but not something I was bothered about anyway, look at what they done with every iPhone release so far, missed features on purpose so they have something to add to the next one, we'll either see a camera as a suprise inclusion before launch or rev 2.
Now this is the biggest issue for me, I can live without flash, with apps replacing flash's need and even the lack of multitasking to support background internet radio etc, I can live without, even though it isn't ideal I can get by. However without FILE TRANSFER this device is next to useless to me.
I wanted a small laptop to take travelling with me, I have looked at netbooks, the Archos 5 android and 7 and other various devices and they all pretty much met my needs. Large storage, good enough for video playback and can store my photos on whilst travelling etc. I waited for apples tablet.
Where the hell is a file browser apple! With netbooks you have a full os and can transfer files to and from usb sticks, external hdds and such, even the Archos 5 and 7 with an optional dock can support file transfer to and from external usb devices.
This is killer! I cant even delete items from my library on the iPad on the go! People fail to realise the camera connector isnt what I want. I should be able to use a usb adapter like that to also connect an external hdd and move some files around.
Scenario: I am travelling and will be away for 3-4 months. I am working in a place without wifi and 3g coverage so primarily whilst working I am looking at using it for games/video and music. Works well. All of a sudden I am fed up of the videos I have on the device, I have more on an external drive, oh I cant swap them around without the use of another computer and iTunes. OK at least I can keep putting photos on it from my camera, oh wait I am out of storage, at least I can transfer some of them or some songs onto an external drive to allow me to complete the camera>ipad transfer, oh no wait i cant do that either, well if all fails i can surely just delete a video directly from the library on the device as I have it on my computer oh no i need to delete it through itunes.
This lack of file management is inexcusable. People say well people dont want to mess with files or need to know where they are stored IT JUST WORKS. well let me tell you apple fan boys that thinks it just works, it doesnt! Just because jobs said so doest mean its true. I dnt need a full on finder with access to root etc, just something simple, maybe integrate into the ipod and video apps a delete or move function, hit move and pop in a usb drive via the usb>dock connector, ipad sees this and you select that drive and bam it moves it to the root of my external drive, not perfect but ive moved something one way then. Then they can develop a mini finder app. This has no control over files on the device, just shows files and folders of a seperate drive connected through the dock. I then select an mp4 files and a move option appears, hit it and boom its in the videos app, same with mp3s in ipod and jpegs into photos.
Its not hard apple, please do something like this with os 4.0, I travel in June and want to get one, I really do, if os 4.0 isnt out by then or offers no improvements Im gonna have to get a mini 10v and put OSX on it.
I really want to like this iPad. And I do to some degree. The native apps looked fantastic and I am sure they will only get better, MLB.tv looked great, all the apple designed apps do too and I am excited at the possibility of getting apps like sketchbook pro ported to the iPad.
For this marriage of Hardware and software to work though apple needs to really get OS 4.0 to open up and mature as an OS.
For gods sake include basic multitasking.
I see people on here backing them for not including it and making up x, y and z excuses for them. There is no excuse! People say well they would have a 3d game running and 3 HD videos going and it would kill battery life etc, well duh why the hell would anyone have a 3d game running if they are not playing it and hve THREE video files running. Most of us know this is mobile OSX and its for a mobile device, we dont expect (or even want maybe?) FULL DESKTOP multitasking where we can minimize anything and everything. No, all we want is basic multitaskig to be allowed like the apple apps have, for example how 'iPod' can run in background while browsing safari etc. Open up the ability to allow background processes for an app and let apple judge in the review process if its needed, for example a 3d game does not, nor does video etc. Apps like pandora or mlb.tv radio etc could, one could then listen to these internet radios while working in iWork or safari. Push just about works for IM'ing but background wins any day. Allow apps to run background processes in the why the built in apple apps do then have them reviewed on acceptance, limit it to 2 background apps at once though, ie (iPod + IM) or (Pandora + IM) No need for apps like slingbox of games to run in the background, the kill and save state for them is much better.
Flash. Ok I get it apple wants to move away from flash. Seriously though it could hurt sales. Having said that I know what importance apple have on the internet and if I were a web developer I would seriously now be looking at alternatives thinking hey, look how well the iPhone, iTouch and now iPad have sold, all these folks cant see my flash content, lets try html5 or other options. With that said I wish they would get off their high horse and let adobe develop flash for the iPhone os, until then at least stop calling in the whole web or real web, 'cos it isn't.
I got thinking though, there is a browser called skyfire for mobile devices which allows anything to be played, ajax, quicktime, flash 10 etc, something to do with server based, I watched a demo of it and it works very well, any chance of something like this hitting the iPad as this would temporarly fix the flash issue by using another browser.
Camera. Would be cool to have it but not something I was bothered about anyway, look at what they done with every iPhone release so far, missed features on purpose so they have something to add to the next one, we'll either see a camera as a suprise inclusion before launch or rev 2.
Now this is the biggest issue for me, I can live without flash, with apps replacing flash's need and even the lack of multitasking to support background internet radio etc, I can live without, even though it isn't ideal I can get by. However without FILE TRANSFER this device is next to useless to me.
I wanted a small laptop to take travelling with me, I have looked at netbooks, the Archos 5 android and 7 and other various devices and they all pretty much met my needs. Large storage, good enough for video playback and can store my photos on whilst travelling etc. I waited for apples tablet.
Where the hell is a file browser apple! With netbooks you have a full os and can transfer files to and from usb sticks, external hdds and such, even the Archos 5 and 7 with an optional dock can support file transfer to and from external usb devices.
This is killer! I cant even delete items from my library on the iPad on the go! People fail to realise the camera connector isnt what I want. I should be able to use a usb adapter like that to also connect an external hdd and move some files around.
Scenario: I am travelling and will be away for 3-4 months. I am working in a place without wifi and 3g coverage so primarily whilst working I am looking at using it for games/video and music. Works well. All of a sudden I am fed up of the videos I have on the device, I have more on an external drive, oh I cant swap them around without the use of another computer and iTunes. OK at least I can keep putting photos on it from my camera, oh wait I am out of storage, at least I can transfer some of them or some songs onto an external drive to allow me to complete the camera>ipad transfer, oh no wait i cant do that either, well if all fails i can surely just delete a video directly from the library on the device as I have it on my computer oh no i need to delete it through itunes.
This lack of file management is inexcusable. People say well people dont want to mess with files or need to know where they are stored IT JUST WORKS. well let me tell you apple fan boys that thinks it just works, it doesnt! Just because jobs said so doest mean its true. I dnt need a full on finder with access to root etc, just something simple, maybe integrate into the ipod and video apps a delete or move function, hit move and pop in a usb drive via the usb>dock connector, ipad sees this and you select that drive and bam it moves it to the root of my external drive, not perfect but ive moved something one way then. Then they can develop a mini finder app. This has no control over files on the device, just shows files and folders of a seperate drive connected through the dock. I then select an mp4 files and a move option appears, hit it and boom its in the videos app, same with mp3s in ipod and jpegs into photos.
Its not hard apple, please do something like this with os 4.0, I travel in June and want to get one, I really do, if os 4.0 isnt out by then or offers no improvements Im gonna have to get a mini 10v and put OSX on it.