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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 27, 2010
edit: fixed it. it was Springtomize. In the Lockscreen bit, i had Hide Top Bar 'on'. switching it off sorted it :)

Hi all,

Usually when u play music, lock phone and see the lockscreen u can see the pause/play skip buttons etc.
but i now lo longer have them. they've been missing for a while now and im not sure if it was due to jailbreaking, cant remember.
could there be any apps or tweaks causing this?

should i post a list of my apps and tweaks i got from cydia?

4s, jb'd on 5.0.1

thanks for any help or suggestions.
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Assuming that you've tried double-clicking the home button to bring up the standard music controls, you could try using Music Controls (Pro) from the Cydia store.

If that doesn't work, or it doesn't take your fancy, then I'd recommend restoring your iPhone and then re-jailbreaking to see if you then still have the music controls on the lockscreen.

Or if you'd like, you can post all of the tweaks, utilities, apps, etc that you've downloaded from Cydia and I'll have a look and see if I can spot what might've happened.
double pressin button opens camera button...

music controls keeps crashing the sb :(

and um... how do i create a list tweaks, utilities, apps, etc? lol
That's weird

I have them. Will you post your tweaks?
I'm also on 5.0.1, btw, but I have a 3GS. Shouldn't make too big of a difference?:confused:
double pressin button opens camera button...

music controls keeps crashing the sb :(

and um... how do i create a list tweaks, utilities, apps, etc? lol

Mine still brings up the camera and lockscreen.

Or if you'd like, you can post all of the tweaks, utilities, apps, etc that you've downloaded from Cydia and I'll have a look and see if I can spot what might've happened.

This is the list from 'aptbackup_dpkg-packages.txt' from /private/var/mobile/library/preferences

applist install
apr-lib install
apt install
apt7 install
apt7-key install
apt7-lib install
apt7-ssl install
base install
bash install
berkeleydb install
bzip2 install
com.ashman.clockhide install
com.ashman.libweather install
com.ashman.wvc install
com.bigboss.aptbackup install
com.bigboss.bossprefs install
com.bigboss.patchsafari2 install
com.blackfacility.pulltorefreshsafari install
com.c00k1e.fswipecache install
com.chpwn.five-icon-switcher install
com.chpwn.iconsupport install
com.darkweaver.wallpaperjpegifier install
com.dba-tech.common install
com.efusion.ewifi install
com.ericasadun.utilities install
com.ericday.blued install
com.fif7y.themeit install
com.fif7y.themeit.source.gui install
com.grooveshark.grooveshark install install install
com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo install
com.hamzasood.siricorefunctions install
com.idevhaice.artistswitcher install
com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles install
com.ihacksrepo.templerun install
com.ihackstore.icon install
com.iphoneame.blued-obex install
com.iphoneame.iphoneameicon install
com.iphonerepocenter.zahratheme install
com.japaneatahand.manualcorrect install
com.mileskabal.appinfo install
com.modmyi.darkbuuf install
com.modmyi.iconshadowfixerforios4andipad install
com.modmyi.os7 install
com.modmyi.serioussbsettingshd install
com.modmyi.transparentdockios4 install
com.modmyi.transparentstatusbar install install install install install install install install install
com.rpetrich.layersnapshotter install
com.rpetrich.nonewsisgoodnews install
com.saurik.iphone.fid install
com.saurik.substrate.safemode install
com.sbsdefaulthdtheme install
com.sinfuliphone.repoprep install
com.sinfuliphone.wifibooster install
com.sull.awesomemusiccontroller install
com.sull.metro8windows8fordreamboard install
com.sull.repoicons install
com.sull.weboffline install
com.wynd.dreamboard install install
com.xsellize.appbrowser install
com.xsellize.barrel install
com.xsellize.bitesms install
com.xsellize.blackupsdarknesshdios5 install
com.xsellize.blocker install
com.xsellize.classyhd install
com.xsellize.colorkeyboard install
com.xsellize.colorkeyboardbgpack install
com.xsellize.concepthddb install
com.xsellize.cyntact install
com.xsellize.droidboardhd install
com.xsellize.fakeclockup install
com.xsellize.gladhander install
com.xsellize.gridlock install
com.xsellize.gyrohddb install
com.xsellize.iapplesaucehd install
com.xsellize.iconoclasmpack install
com.xsellize.ifile install
com.xsellize.ikeywi install
com.xsellize.infinifolders install
com.xsellize.protube install
com.xsellize.repo install
com.xsellize.shiro install
com.xsellize.snowleoparddb install
com.xsellize.springtomize2 install
com.xsellize.studioosdb install
com.xsellize.xsecurity install
com.xsellize.zephyr install
com.zimm.libdisplaystack install
coreutils install
coreutils-bin install
curl install
cy+cpu.arm install
cy+kernel.darwin install
cy+lib.corefoundation install
cy+model.iphone install
cy+os.ios install
cydia install
cydia-lproj install
darwintools install
debianutils install
diffutils install
diskdev-cmds install
dpkg install
file-cmds install
findutils install
firmware install
firmware-sbin install
gawk install
gettext install
gnupg install
grep install
gsc.720p install
gsc.accelerometer install
gsc.accessibility install
gsc.additional-text-tones install
gsc.all-features install
gsc.any-telephony install install
gsc.application-installation install
gsc.armv6 install
gsc.armv7 install
gsc.assistant install install
gsc.bluetooth install
gsc.bluetooth-le install install
gsc.cellular-data install
gsc.contains-cellular-radio install
gsc.display-mirroring install
gsc.displayport install
gsc.encode-aac install
gsc.encrypted-data-partition install
gsc.fcc-logos-via-software install
gsc.front-facing-camera install
gsc.gamekit install
gsc.gas-gauge-battery install
gsc.gps install
gsc.gyroscope install
gsc.h264-encoder install
gsc.hardware-keyboard install
gsc.hd-video-capture install
gsc.hdr-image-capture install
gsc.hiccough-interval install
gsc.hidpi install
gsc.homescreen-wallpaper install
gsc.hw-encode-snapshots install install install
gsc.load-thumbnails-while-scrolling install
gsc.location-services install
gsc.magnetometer install
gsc.mars-volta install
gsc.microphone install
gsc.mms install
gsc.multitasking install install install
gsc.not-green-tea install
gsc.opengles-1 install
gsc.opengles-2 install
gsc.peer-peer install install install
gsc.proximity-sensor install
gsc.ptp-large-files install
gsc.ringer-switch install
gsc.sms install
gsc.stand-alone-contacts install
gsc.still-camera install
gsc.telephony install
gsc.telephony-maximum-generation install install
gsc.unified-ipod install
gsc.venice install install
gsc.voice-control install
gsc.voip install
gsc.volume-buttons install
gsc.wifi install install install
gzip install
jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons install
jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages install
jp.rono23.removebackgroundapp install
ldid install
ldone install
libactivator install
libhide install
libstatusbar install
lzma install
mobilesubstrate install
ncurses install
net.howett.cydelete install
network-cmds install
odcctools install
openssl install
org.thebigboss.repo.icons install
org.thebigboss.sbsairplanetoggle install
p7zip install
pam install
pam-modules install
pcre install
pincrush install
preferenceloader install
profile.d install
readline install
sandcastle install
sbsettings install
sbsettingstoggles install
sed install
shell-cmds install
sqlite3-lib install
system-cmds install
tar install
uikittools install
unrar install
unzip install
us.hackulo.appsync50plus install
us.hackulo.resources install
uuid install
wget install
winterboard install
zip install
From what I can see above, it could potentially maybe be that a theme you've installed is interfering with the music controls? All the others tweaks etc that I can see (SBSettings, 3G unrestrictor and so on) don't seem to be likely candidates for interfering with the music controls.

In fact, having had a closer look, I see that there's something that's been installed called Awesome Music Controller. This sounds like a far more likely candidate. Do you ever remember installing that, or seeing it be installed as part of another package?
Hmmm...In Settings, Go to Accessibility, then Enter "Triple Click Home at the bottom" and choose "Off", Hope this helps.:):):)
From what I can see above, it could potentially maybe be that a theme you've installed is interfering with the music controls? All the others tweaks etc that I can see (SBSettings, 3G unrestrictor and so on) don't seem to be likely candidates for interfering with the music controls.

In fact, having had a closer look, I see that there's something that's been installed called Awesome Music Controller. This sounds like a far more likely candidate. Do you ever remember installing that, or seeing it be installed as part of another package?
i only had AMC for a day for testing, already gone, didnt make a diff...

ios5 battery fix
airblue sharing
studioOS DB
Zahra theme
^^ iv deleted those things so far. no change yet :(
just deleted dreamboard and its themes still no change...

Hmmm...In Settings, Go to Accessibility, then Enter "Triple Click Home at the bottom" and choose "Off", Hope this helps.:):):)
it was already off but thanks for the input
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All I can really suggest is to keep on removing or disabling tweaks or anything else you've installd from Cydia until it starts to work again. If it doesn't, then you'll likely be stuck with having to restore, if you want the lockscreen music controls back.
All I can really suggest is to keep on removing or disabling tweaks or anything else you've installd from Cydia until it starts to work again. If it doesn't, then you'll likely be stuck with having to restore, if you want the lockscreen music controls back.

will do. thanks
its not a massive problem, just a lil annoying. il prob just wait till 5.1 jb

edit: fixed it. it was Springtomize. In the Lockscreen bit, i had Hide Top Bar 'on'. switching it off sorted it :)
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Same problem no music controls in LS when double pressing home button, but I DO NOT have it turned off in springtomize, tried removing springtomize got stuck in safe mode! Had to remove iconoclasm to fix that, them removed click hide too, still no music controls, there only there when I'm in safe mode, any ideas guys?
Was a tweak called iProtect causing the problem, disabled almost everything in sbsettings/more/mobilesubstrate then one at a time turned them back on until I found out the culprit ;)
Deleted it.
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