I am new to programming in iOS and am taking a class on it. I currently have a grasp on the basics but I want to learn specifically about music player. My end goal is to create a program that allows users to select a portion or all of their music and add it to the library and then play music. During playback they would be able to assign tags to their music like "quiet" or "happy" (any tag they can type at least). These tags wouldn't be assigned to the point in time they are listening but to the whole song. There would be another mode where they can view tags and the songs associated with them. The problem I have is that there is no documentation of the music code except for code that is iOS 5 and earlier. Can anyone point me to some guides or tutorials or would you be willing to work with me on this app? (I'm not planning on selling this app. It's meant to be for school. I should be able to do most of the code but I need a basic grasp of the music player code.)