Hello everyone, new member here.
Im a songwriting guitarist and after getting by with my g4 450 for 4 years, it died. I just purchased a dual 1.8/160gb/1024ram. While its taking its sweet time to get here from Apple, Ive been thinking about Gband. All of my $$ has gone into guitar gear, knowing that once I stepped up to a better Mac Id be getting into the home studio thing.
Now that I dropped some hefty cash on this G5 Im ready to jump in. BUT, I need to start slow and not spend a lot of cash. I was wondering what basic things I need to pick up to get a decent demo studio going. I know at the very least, Ill need a midi or usb KB. I have a Sure SM58, so right now a mic is not on my short list.
What is the best (hi fidelity) way to run my gtr into my new G5? I have an iMic but Im assuming that there might be a better way to go directly into the CPU. At the same time, is that pathway the best way to go for vocals too?
Im very aware of Digital performer, digidesign/protools boxes but after spending > $2k Im not ready to pony up that kind of cash for demos; I may not need that kind of power just yet. I do have a copy of Reason & Protools 6.1 software (its my understanding that the hardware is just as important as the software), Im wondering if that will help me. Any ideas would be really helpful. Thanks.
Im a songwriting guitarist and after getting by with my g4 450 for 4 years, it died. I just purchased a dual 1.8/160gb/1024ram. While its taking its sweet time to get here from Apple, Ive been thinking about Gband. All of my $$ has gone into guitar gear, knowing that once I stepped up to a better Mac Id be getting into the home studio thing.
Now that I dropped some hefty cash on this G5 Im ready to jump in. BUT, I need to start slow and not spend a lot of cash. I was wondering what basic things I need to pick up to get a decent demo studio going. I know at the very least, Ill need a midi or usb KB. I have a Sure SM58, so right now a mic is not on my short list.
What is the best (hi fidelity) way to run my gtr into my new G5? I have an iMic but Im assuming that there might be a better way to go directly into the CPU. At the same time, is that pathway the best way to go for vocals too?
Im very aware of Digital performer, digidesign/protools boxes but after spending > $2k Im not ready to pony up that kind of cash for demos; I may not need that kind of power just yet. I do have a copy of Reason & Protools 6.1 software (its my understanding that the hardware is just as important as the software), Im wondering if that will help me. Any ideas would be really helpful. Thanks.