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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 15, 2009
what are youre favorite apps? what are some apps that i must download? im a new iphone user and need ideas
We should do a paid recommendations thread from the regulars here as well. I'd do that but I don't have regular access to a desktop.

The following are just my recommendations. I'd recommend asking about other opinions as well so you get the app that best fits your needs. Also a disclaimer, these are 'best' according to my opinion alone, although for a lot of apps I can say I've actually got hands on experience with some of these app's competitors.

[app]Pocket Informant[/app] - schedule and task manager. Syncs to Google Calendar and Toodledo.

[app]Instapaper Pro[/app] - save articles for offline reading

[app]Outliner[/app] - great for lists, checklists, and brainsorming. Syncs online so you'll always have a back up of data.

[app]Instaviz[/app] - A learning curve to use (you may need to visit their site to get everything), but the best mindmapper/flow chart app out there. It helps me organize my thoughts and see how everything is connected.

[app]Touch Goal[/app] - quickly record and chart whether you kept to a new habit or performed an action for a day. It's got me doing some things more often.

[app]Bodybook Fitness Journal[/app] or [app]Gymbuddy[/app] - both great gym logs, look into other apps if you need exercise instructions though.

[app]Readdledocs[/app] - if just for sending email with attachments and getting the attachment sent back free of the email.

[app]ooTunes[/app] - best Internet radio app

[app]Xewton Music Studio[/app] - fun music app

[app]BeatMaker[/app] - another fun music app

[app]Beejive IM[/app] - best instant messager

[app]Picture Safe[/app] or [app]Video Safe[/app] - Locks pics and allows for file and individual organization of pics.

[app]Photogene[/app] - crop, rotate, filter for photos, etc.

[app]Photoforge[/app] - curve toolgreat for pulling detail out of shadows

[app]Uniwar[/app] - online turn based multiplayer strategy game.

[app]Galcon[/app] - fast paced online strategy game. It's a battery killer though.

[app]Wurdle[/app] - great for killing short periods of time

[app]Real Racing[/app] - best car racer

[app]Deep Green[/app] - best offline chess app

[app]Triazzle[/app] - beautiful puzzler
Facebook, Navigon, Instapaper Pro, Twitterific, 1Password Pro, Newsstand, OmniFocus, CalenGoo, WeatherChannel, Pandora, TRAFFIC! (by Inrix)
Aim Pro
Sim City
White noise "works wonders if your a light sleeper"
Weather alert "another must have espcailly for me since i live in a area that gets alot of tornado watches and warnings
EchoFon pro aka Twitterfon
Texas Holdem.
MLB at bat
Beejive IM
echofon pro
color splash
weather channel
current temp
night stand
text free
mail notifier (soon to be approved)
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