We should do a paid recommendations thread from the regulars here as well. I'd do that but I don't have regular access to a desktop.
The following are just my recommendations. I'd recommend asking about other opinions as well so you get the app that best fits your needs. Also a disclaimer, these are 'best' according to my opinion alone, although for a lot of apps I can say I've actually got hands on experience with some of these app's competitors.
[app]Pocket Informant[/app] - schedule and task manager. Syncs to Google Calendar and Toodledo.
[app]Instapaper Pro[/app] - save articles for offline reading
[app]Outliner[/app] - great for lists, checklists, and brainsorming. Syncs online so you'll always have a back up of data.
[app]Instaviz[/app] - A learning curve to use (you may need to visit their site to get everything), but the best mindmapper/flow chart app out there. It helps me organize my thoughts and see how everything is connected.
[app]Touch Goal[/app] - quickly record and chart whether you kept to a new habit or performed an action for a day. It's got me doing some things more often.
[app]Bodybook Fitness Journal[/app] or [app]Gymbuddy[/app] - both great gym logs, look into other apps if you need exercise instructions though.
[app]Readdledocs[/app] - if just for sending email with attachments and getting the attachment sent back free of the email.
[app]ooTunes[/app] - best Internet radio app
[app]Xewton Music Studio[/app] - fun music app
[app]BeatMaker[/app] - another fun music app
[app]Beejive IM[/app] - best instant messager
[app]Picture Safe[/app] or [app]Video Safe[/app] - Locks pics and allows for file and individual organization of pics.
[app]Photogene[/app] - crop, rotate, filter for photos, etc.
[app]Photoforge[/app] - curve toolgreat for pulling detail out of shadows
[app]Uniwar[/app] - online turn based multiplayer strategy game.
[app]Galcon[/app] - fast paced online strategy game. It's a battery killer though.
[app]Wurdle[/app] - great for killing short periods of time
[app]Real Racing[/app] - best car racer
[app]Deep Green[/app] - best offline chess app
[app]Triazzle[/app] - beautiful puzzler