I'm sure there have been threads about great software for OS X, but I want to start a more current thread.
On the 24th (Wed.) my Dad's 1GHz 17" iMac arrives. I am planning on using it a lot, being that my Dad isn't home a lot, and when he is he is rarely on the computer. So basically my mom bought me a new computer even though the package says 'for Dad'
I was a Mac user all my life till 1+ year ago, when I got a PC because I couldn't afford a mac that was any good. In the year or so that I've been gone from the Mac world I have lost track of the good software.
So what software should I be downloading as soon as I get my/my Dad's iMac?
I've been hearing a lot about Konfabulator... What exactly is it?
What is the best dock editing application? There were about 3 or 4 dock editing programs (to make it transparent, change the indicator color, etc.) when I got my PC. What is the best dock editing program?
I'm getting a Nokia 3650 (or some other feature rich phone like it), what can I do with my phone through the iMac? Can I sync my phone's calendar to my iCal calendar with iSync?
So basically just list all the cool software you know.
On the 24th (Wed.) my Dad's 1GHz 17" iMac arrives. I am planning on using it a lot, being that my Dad isn't home a lot, and when he is he is rarely on the computer. So basically my mom bought me a new computer even though the package says 'for Dad'
I was a Mac user all my life till 1+ year ago, when I got a PC because I couldn't afford a mac that was any good. In the year or so that I've been gone from the Mac world I have lost track of the good software.
So what software should I be downloading as soon as I get my/my Dad's iMac?
I've been hearing a lot about Konfabulator... What exactly is it?
What is the best dock editing application? There were about 3 or 4 dock editing programs (to make it transparent, change the indicator color, etc.) when I got my PC. What is the best dock editing program?
I'm getting a Nokia 3650 (or some other feature rich phone like it), what can I do with my phone through the iMac? Can I sync my phone's calendar to my iCal calendar with iSync?
So basically just list all the cool software you know.