Every macworld, I wonder if they might bring out an xmac. And this year, with the recession, the wildly contradictory rumours about the mac mini and the "promise of something unrumoured" alluded to in the rumours round-up:
...I've got my hopes up more than ever.
The best part is that I've resigned myself to getting a mini, even if it doesn't have fw800, dual display capability and the possiblity of ditching the optical drive in favour of 2 HD slots (if it had all 3, plus the vastly improved integrated gfx nVidia are offering, it might as well be an xmac). So my hopes are high, even though my expectations are low (which is the ideal mindstate for a member of the xMac crowd
...I've got my hopes up more than ever.
The best part is that I've resigned myself to getting a mini, even if it doesn't have fw800, dual display capability and the possiblity of ditching the optical drive in favour of 2 HD slots (if it had all 3, plus the vastly improved integrated gfx nVidia are offering, it might as well be an xmac). So my hopes are high, even though my expectations are low (which is the ideal mindstate for a member of the xMac crowd