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macrumors 68020
Original poster
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
Just got the Logitech Bluetooth keyboard/mouse pair. It's unofficially supported in OSX (no "X" on the box), but, of course, it works just fine.

With some effort, I managed to get them paired to my 17PB, and almost everything works (including the volume on the keyboard). But, many of the extra keys aren't available, since there's no driver.

- No sign of a driver on Anyone know of any hacks?
- USB Overdrive looks like it's exactly what I need, but of course, what I really need is BT Overdrive.

All I really want to do is set the "back" and "forth" buttons on the mouse to zoom in and out.
I don't think you're going to have too much luck. Last month, I bought a MS Bluetooth mouse to use with my PB. As you have discovered, USB Overdrive does not work with Bluetooth. I emailed the writer of USB Overdrive, explained the situation, and asked if there would be a version that supported Bluetooth mice. I never recieved a response. I eventually ended up returning the mouse, and bought an MX-700 because I figured I'd have the same problems with the MX-900, which you're having. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.
well, perhaps I too will bug the USBO guy. I wonder how similar BT and USB is down in the bowels of the OS.

Oh, the most annoying problem with the keyboard is that the Cmd and Opt keys are reversed.
What I don't understand is that Panther is able to recognize all of the buttons on the MX900 for Exposé, but only for Exposé.

I have what should be the back-forward buttons set to All and Application Exposé functions because I don't have any other use for them.

Since Exposé can see the buttons, why can't any other applications?
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