Just got back from Best Buy and typing this on my first mac - Imac 21.5 base model. Wow, what a machine. This is one beautiful computer. I can not wait to learn all about mac and this computer. Thanks everyone who contributed to this forum to help folks like me with their first mac.
I also got iwork (good idea?) and mobile me. Going to try these out soon. I have a question - I have seen some thread that talk about slow start up time. I am not sure what it supposed to be. If someone who has the same model, please let me know. I think I timed it and it took me around 55 sec to have it back and running. Is this OK? Should I restart Leopard before I load this computer with pics and everything.
Any suggestions as to the first mac user are greatly appreciated.
Thanks again to this great forums.
god, this thing is pretty
I also got iwork (good idea?) and mobile me. Going to try these out soon. I have a question - I have seen some thread that talk about slow start up time. I am not sure what it supposed to be. If someone who has the same model, please let me know. I think I timed it and it took me around 55 sec to have it back and running. Is this OK? Should I restart Leopard before I load this computer with pics and everything.
Any suggestions as to the first mac user are greatly appreciated.
Thanks again to this great forums.
god, this thing is pretty