I noticed it wasn't syncing in itunes. Turned on the TV and the appletv amber light was blinking and the appletv was rebooting over and over again.
Unplugged it, waited about 5 minutes.
Plugged back in, did a factory restore.
Restored fine to Version 1.0 - iTunes syncing, no problem. (just a few shows).
Back to appletv to do upgrade to 2.4 software. AppleTV display shows menu, but keeps flashing the silver apple logo, cycles about every 1.2 seconds.
Unplugged again.
Plugged back in, Appletv boots fine, but when accessing the menu, starts flashing silver apple again. Cannot do anything in the menu.
Unplugged and read it last rites.

Off to apple store tomorrow.
Unplugged it, waited about 5 minutes.
Plugged back in, did a factory restore.
Restored fine to Version 1.0 - iTunes syncing, no problem. (just a few shows).
Back to appletv to do upgrade to 2.4 software. AppleTV display shows menu, but keeps flashing the silver apple logo, cycles about every 1.2 seconds.
Unplugged again.
Plugged back in, Appletv boots fine, but when accessing the menu, starts flashing silver apple again. Cannot do anything in the menu.
Unplugged and read it last rites.
Off to apple store tomorrow.