I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with a problem I seem to have with my browser.
I use IE 5.1 because that is what is on the machine, and when I looked at Netscape it said I needed OSX to download. I am still using 8.1. What I have is an iMac PowerPC G3 400
My problem is that when a web page is loading it pauses for what seems like forever, then it starts up again. Sometimes it takes as long as 3 minutes to load for instance eBay's
home page. It also does the pause thing when I hit the "back" button. The small black and white turning circle on the page just stops, and it sits there.
I tried increasing the disk cache, and that help for a while, but it seems as though tonight it is back to it's old tricks again. I thought if I emptied the disck cache it would work
better again, but I cannot find anything in the help files about how to do that.
Would another browser be a better choice. I really would rather have something other than a MS product on my Mac.
Any help would be appreciated.
I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with a problem I seem to have with my browser.
I use IE 5.1 because that is what is on the machine, and when I looked at Netscape it said I needed OSX to download. I am still using 8.1. What I have is an iMac PowerPC G3 400
My problem is that when a web page is loading it pauses for what seems like forever, then it starts up again. Sometimes it takes as long as 3 minutes to load for instance eBay's
home page. It also does the pause thing when I hit the "back" button. The small black and white turning circle on the page just stops, and it sits there.
I tried increasing the disk cache, and that help for a while, but it seems as though tonight it is back to it's old tricks again. I thought if I emptied the disck cache it would work
better again, but I cannot find anything in the help files about how to do that.
Would another browser be a better choice. I really would rather have something other than a MS product on my Mac.
Any help would be appreciated.