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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 17, 2008
So, I paid 16 bucks for an exclusive "pass" for walking dead. Yet here I am one hour after the whole country has watched the episode and we poor saps who forked out 16 bucks are still unable to d/l the first episode from itunes to watch on teh ATV

This sux. Screw this if its an indication of how future content is to be d/l and played on the A-TV
So, I paid 16 bucks for an exclusive "pass" for walking dead. Yet here I am one hour after the whole country has watched the episode and we poor saps who forked out 16 bucks are still unable to d/l the first episode from itunes to watch on teh ATV

This sux. Screw this if its an indication of how future content is to be d/l and played on the A-TV

Oh, and surprise surprise Itunes ont allow me to add a review even though one other person has also claimed having teh same issue of not being able to access the first episode. Sux
Has iTunes ever had shows out a mere 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4 or even 5) hours after a show airs? I thought it was usually around 12 - 18 hours or so?

I thought iTunes even advertises it as "the day after"?
Has iTunes ever had shows out a mere 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4 or even 5) hours after a show airs? I thought it was usually around 12 - 18 hours or so?

I thought iTunes even advertises it as "the day after"?


Another case of someone not taking the time to figure out what they are actually buying.
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tslewis said:
So, I paid 16 bucks for an exclusive "pass" for walking dead. Yet here I am one hour after the whole country has watched the episode and we poor saps who forked out 16 bucks are still unable to d/l the first episode from itunes to watch on teh ATV

This sux. Screw this if its an indication of how future content is to be d/l and played on the A-TV

Due to legal reasons shows can not be downloaded from itunes, amazon on demand etc... Or streamed on websites like abc, fox hulu etc till the next day after they appear on their live run. You shall get it tomorrow around 4-6pm your time.
Interesting that we have access to Torrents within an hour...

This industry is FUBAR'd.
Interesting that we have access to Torrents within an hour...

This industry is FUBAR'd.

Torrents are illegal copies, hence why they are after the show airs.

I dont watch live television besides sports, so I don't have a problem with this system.

I just think you want to b itch just because you can.
Torrents are illegal copies, hence why they are after the show airs.

I dont watch live television besides sports, so I don't have a problem with this system.

I just think you want to b itch just because you can.

Its about delivery. Some punk in New Hampshire can put 720p television in my hands within an hour of release on the east coast. The alternative is 360p from Apple two weeks from now.
Its about delivery. Some punk in New Hampshire can put 720p television in my hands within an hour of release on the east coast. The alternative is 360p from Apple two weeks from now.

360p? Try 720p up to 24 hours later with no annoying commercials or watermarks over the show.
360p? Try 720p up to 24 hours later with no annoying commercials or watermarks over the show.

You're complacent in spending that kind of money for one-time viewing of a single TV show? If ATV was the only solution the average person would be spending over $100 a month on season passes.
Hmmmm. Obscenity in header, multiple spelling errors a third grader would make, general whinyness of tone and abject failure to "read the insructions" or production description.

Did someone have their trollios this morning?:D
This annoyed me when I got the season pass for Mad Men a few months back. The shows are always available the next day. I just got used to watching Mad Men on Monday nights instead of Sunday nights.
You're complacent in spending that kind of money for one-time viewing of a single TV show? If ATV was the only solution the average person would be spending over $100 a month on season passes.

I did the math... it's cheaper for me to buy season passes for the shows that I want to watch repeatedly than paying my monthly cable bill plus the cost of the DVD/Bluray season sets that I would have bought.

Won't work that way for everyone of course.
You're complacent in spending that kind of money for one-time viewing of a single TV show? If ATV was the only solution the average person would be spending over $100 a month on season passes.

You have to pay for them because the aren't being subsidized by the commercials. You have to do one of three things to legally get these. One is pay for cable and get commercials, two buy the dvd/ bluray box sets months later or buy from itunes, amazon on demand etc.

an antennae is the only way to view them for free if the are on the over the air channel. Remember some one has to pay actors, producers, film editors.
I don't understand why everybody thinks everything should be free.
Its about delivery. Some punk in New Hampshire can put 720p television in my hands within an hour of release on the east coast. The alternative is 360p from Apple two weeks from now.

I'm sure Apple would LOVE to provide them earlier. It's the studios, not Apple, placing all manner of weird time restrictions and whatnot. It's the same reason Hulu and Netflix streaming gets stuff, then loses it, then gets it, etc etc.
I'm not buying the legal issues answer

Because the show is available within hours to download IF you buy a single show. Season pass buyers have to wait. WHY??? iTunes says it will download immediately when available. So iTunes is giving false expectations.
I am thinking due to the popularity of the show, they delay downloads for season pass so other people can purchase without dealing with slow downloads. You get a discount for season pass and pay for it by having to wait. I could be wrong on my theory but the " legal issues" reason does not fly because the show is in fact available for download within hours...just not for season pass holders. Something to consider before buying.
FWIW, we did CUT the cord to DTV, it's $110/mo and hundreds of useless channels. Our receiver died late last week and we decided to crunch the numbers. We figured out the shows we watched and even with all the Season Passes, Netflix, Hulu, occasional HD movie rentals and getting and HDTV antenna, we would save $1000 per year. A la carte programming the way we want it.

Granted, it is not for everyone as you have to evaluate your own personal viewing needs.

We will give it the 6 mo. to 1 year trial. Whats the worst that can happen? We go back to DTV and they take our money again? I don't think they will say no.
Because cable TV doesn't cost $100 a month? :confused:

Maybe not in Russia. Here in North America cable TV can easily cost $100 per month. DVR rental, HD channels, movies, on demand...

I've shut off cable TV and upped our internet bandwidth. Built an HD OTA DVR and an :apple:TV with Netflix ($8 month) and have all the HD entertainment we can eat without the cable TV bill.
Missing the point

The point is: the episode is available on iTunes as an one-off purchase, but not available as a download for Season Pass subscribers. Given the investment, reward loyalty (opposite experience), not punish.
I was not aware that single episode purchases were within the hour or what ever short time period you mentioned. The only reason I buy season passes is because I'm not always around to watch it when it airs. I have Mythbusters right now. It airs at 9pm my time and it's available for download usually by 1am. So I really don't have to wait that long except that I'm already sleeping anyway.
The point is: the episode is available on iTunes as an one-off purchase, but not available as a download for Season Pass subscribers. Given the investment, reward loyalty (opposite experience), not punish.
It's been my experience that this is usually the exception, not the norm. I've had probably 30+ season passes through iTunes and have only had this happen to me a few times. In all but one case, it was resolved within a few hours.
season pass download still not available

It has never taken this long...hmmm would the Beatles have anything to do with this?
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