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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 14, 2005
My desktop fell to the ground from 3 feet high.

When I hit the start button, it starts up fine and all the drives work when I hit the eject keys but nothing shows up on my screen. I know the graphics card work because I tested it on another computer.

Can anyone help me?
It's pretty difficult troubleshooting a problem like that over a forum because there are so many different variables. If I were you, I'd grab the hard drive and put it in another computer to salvage your data as the first step. From there, I'd start looking around for disconnected cables.
Sorry to hear that, ssj300. I'm afraid there's not too much you can do unless you're a tech genius. And were you a tech genius, I doubt you'd be asking us mere mortals for help ;)

I'd advise you to salvage your data, and get a new computer if you can afford it. You could sell off the parts of the broken desktop that still work to cover some of the cost. In my case, I know I'd certainly have fun tinkering with the broken box trying to make it work again.

Y'know, I had to chuckle a bit when I opened this thread though. Coming in, I thought you meant your Mac OS X user Desktop was broken, so I was thinking "I wonder what's wrong...icons all buggered up?" :eek:

Good luck, fella!
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