First, this is NOT a knock on jailbreaking or an attempt to discourage others. I'm just sharing my experience.
I finally broke down and jailbroke my 3GS last night. It did not last long.
I am on 3.0.1, so I had to use redsn0w. Not quite as simple as purplera1n, but pretty darn easy.
So after it's jailbroken, I used Cydia to install backgrounder (my main reason for wanting to jb). It hung on install, forcing a hard reboot of the phone. Ok, no big deal. Tried again and got it installed.
Installed winterboard and looked at some themes. Cool, but nothing I liked enough to install. (some of the themes I've seen here are way better!)
I noticed the battery was draining a lot faster than usual... but decided not to worry about it.
Woke up this morning and found that I had a greatly diminished cell signal and no wifi. Tried to search for my network, but it couldn't find any networks in range (there should be about 10). I sorta panicked and restored from last night's backup.
I jailbroke on my 2G pre-2.0, and eventually went back to stock after the phone became slow and unstable. From everything I'd heard, jailbreaking was a lot different now, so I thought I'd give it another shot (really just for backgrounder and winterboard). Maybe I should have given it more time and tried to troubleshoot, but I guess I just don't want to be troubleshooting my phone. I know it's a mini-computer, but it's also my phone. I want it to just work.
I'm sure lots of you will tell me how great your jb phones are, and I don't doubt it. And for those of you who want to know the "point" of this thread, I guess it's that jailbreaking, while pretty easy and mainstream, is still a hack that does funny things to the ways your phone is supposed to run, so I'd advise anyone on the fence to think about whether they're willing and able to deal with that.
I finally broke down and jailbroke my 3GS last night. It did not last long.
I am on 3.0.1, so I had to use redsn0w. Not quite as simple as purplera1n, but pretty darn easy.
So after it's jailbroken, I used Cydia to install backgrounder (my main reason for wanting to jb). It hung on install, forcing a hard reboot of the phone. Ok, no big deal. Tried again and got it installed.
Installed winterboard and looked at some themes. Cool, but nothing I liked enough to install. (some of the themes I've seen here are way better!)
I noticed the battery was draining a lot faster than usual... but decided not to worry about it.
Woke up this morning and found that I had a greatly diminished cell signal and no wifi. Tried to search for my network, but it couldn't find any networks in range (there should be about 10). I sorta panicked and restored from last night's backup.
I jailbroke on my 2G pre-2.0, and eventually went back to stock after the phone became slow and unstable. From everything I'd heard, jailbreaking was a lot different now, so I thought I'd give it another shot (really just for backgrounder and winterboard). Maybe I should have given it more time and tried to troubleshoot, but I guess I just don't want to be troubleshooting my phone. I know it's a mini-computer, but it's also my phone. I want it to just work.
I'm sure lots of you will tell me how great your jb phones are, and I don't doubt it. And for those of you who want to know the "point" of this thread, I guess it's that jailbreaking, while pretty easy and mainstream, is still a hack that does funny things to the ways your phone is supposed to run, so I'd advise anyone on the fence to think about whether they're willing and able to deal with that.