Yesterday, I decided to downgrade from SL to Leopard, due to certain reasons that are of no concern ... ok! It's because the bleedin' edge was too ... ah, well ... bleedin', I guess?
Anyway, back on topic ... I chose Archive & Install and preserve Users & Network Settings and all was well. Well, all was not well!
When I was prompted to create the default Admin account, I used a different user name, thinking that it was not important.
So, next I'm navigating to the Previous Systems Folder and then to Users and my old User Account folder. This is when the issues began. All my folders had a red stop sign on them ... I wasn't allowed access to my own data? WTF?
So my son's mate came around and waved a magic wand and "Hey Presto !!" I had my precious files again. (FWIW, I do have a back-up ... but I would have lost about 5% of my total User files/data etc)
I finished yesterday, deleting the previous user accounts so all there is left is my own.
So today I start to notice that all my files that we dragged over yesterday wont allow me to alter them due to me not having enough privileges.
I had to reinstall my apps too which wasn't too bad as I keep a lot of old .dmg's for situations just like this.
So, can some kind soul put me out of my misery and not only give me a backhander for falling for the oldest trick in the book, but say it's not that hard to fix ... and tell me how to do it because I'm feeling pretty low
Anyway, back on topic ... I chose Archive & Install and preserve Users & Network Settings and all was well. Well, all was not well!
When I was prompted to create the default Admin account, I used a different user name, thinking that it was not important.
So, next I'm navigating to the Previous Systems Folder and then to Users and my old User Account folder. This is when the issues began. All my folders had a red stop sign on them ... I wasn't allowed access to my own data? WTF?
So my son's mate came around and waved a magic wand and "Hey Presto !!" I had my precious files again. (FWIW, I do have a back-up ... but I would have lost about 5% of my total User files/data etc)
I finished yesterday, deleting the previous user accounts so all there is left is my own.
So today I start to notice that all my files that we dragged over yesterday wont allow me to alter them due to me not having enough privileges.

I had to reinstall my apps too which wasn't too bad as I keep a lot of old .dmg's for situations just like this.
So, can some kind soul put me out of my misery and not only give me a backhander for falling for the oldest trick in the book, but say it's not that hard to fix ... and tell me how to do it because I'm feeling pretty low