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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 25, 2009
Raleigh, North Carolina
I have been a Winders guy for soooo many years. I was one of those who balked at the mere thought of a Mac and would poke fun at the "freaks" and their Macs. I always swore I'd never own a Macintosh.

Well, never say never.....

I ordered my first ever Mac; an iMac; the new 24" 3.06 GHz model with 8 GB RAM and the 4850 card. Why did I "come to the dark side"? I am tired of the crap from PC vendors like Dell and HP. Sure, "build your own" you say. Been there, done that, go the t-shirt. It not fun any more.

So when one of my home computers, my Dell laptop, gave up the ghost a little over a week ago, I said enough was enough and I packed up the family and we high-tailed it over to the nearest Apple Store. I had bought us all iPods for Christmas and I liked how Apple had designed the Nano 4g and Touch 2g so, why not check out their computers too?

What an experience! My wife (computer illiterate) and 11 yo son (also not so puter savy) and my 9 yo daughter (aka. I was hoping she'd be a daddy's girl though she is not that into computers)...nearly pissed themselves at the fun and excitement they were having.

My wife was giddy at how easy the GUI was to use on the Mac. My kids immediately fell in love with the iSight camera and all the bundled iLife software. My daughter has been trying to learn the guitar and grinned ear-to-ear when seeing how the GarageBand had acoustic lessons. My son, being the typical 11 yo, wanted to know what games he could play and would his Spore load on it.

Me? Well, not to eat my words in one visit, I said, "This is pretty neat", though in the back of my mind I was squeeling like a girl. All of my video projects and photography hobby fun was getting sent into overdrive.

So, was there disappointment? Sure. When I ordered my new iMac and realized I will have to wait until late April to get it. Talk about a bummer. I nearly decided that the 4850 was not THAT important and that I could do fine with 4 GB of RAM for a few weeks until the upgrade came in from Crucial.

But why? I was sinking 3 grand into this thing. Why not go ahead and get it the way I want? Practice patience, use these few weeks to go through online tutorials and join Mac discussion forums like this one to find out what my life with a Mac will be like in the near future.

Besides, a delivery date of May 1st puts it only a few days from my 39th birthday and what a way to celebrate 24 years of computer use than by switching over to a totally new platform?

Thanks for reading,

"Mac" is an abbreviation, not an acronym like PC. Please dont capitalize all three letters. Other than that, great to hear Apple got another PC user to switch! Welcome to the forums.
Congratulations! And best of luck to your daughter wanting to learn guitar, I know I love playing mine. The first 2-3 months are a bit hard, because you have to build up callus' and muscle memory, but after that it becomes a lot more fun! :)
Congrats on your purchase you have got a great machine. I think you will love and appreciate it more once you finally get your hands on it. I was the same as you just over 14 months ago before i got my imac. I used to laugh at people who used macs until i actually tried one for myself. Now when my mates come round they all love the overall quality and user experience you get from using one. Its a joy to use and the iLife software is superb.
"Mac" is an abbreviation, not an acronym like PC. Please dont capitalize all three letters. Other than that, great to hear Apple got another PC user to switch! Welcome to the forums.

Who gives a crap? Ive seen this line of thinking many times over the years at this forum and Ill never understand it. When someone says MAC, Mac, mac, mAC, I think we all know its a Macintosh computer since this is a forum about all things Apple and Mac.

I'm here to learn.

Just dont learn from ppl like the above and you'll do fine. Congrats on the purchase. Coming up on 3yrs of buying my first Mac. I was much like you, built my own stuff, scoffed at Apple users, until I bought one. Wont go back.
Congratulations on your first Mac. Expect to be blown away by it's awesomeness :cool:. And if you have any questions, the people here will happily answer them, I know from experience.
Yea, it is a lot cheaper to buy RAM from other websites.

It is, but if he doesn't want to deal with it - having to figure out where to go to get it, having to figure out the right memory, having to make a separate order for it (with the risk then of having to deal with two vendors if things don't work out), having to install it, etc. - that's fine too.

Especially for someone who has kids. I don't but as I understand it things can quickly devolve into, "Daddy, when's it going to work?" scenarios.
Congrats on your Mac order!

After reading through your post, the only thing that immediately comes to mind is... 3 grand?!?!! That's not US Dollars is it?
Who gives a crap? Ive seen this line of thinking many times over the years at this forum and Ill never understand it. When someone says MAC, Mac, mac, mAC, I think we all know its a Macintosh computer since this is a forum about all things Apple and Mac.

MAC is usually used for Media Access Control address, the computers are Macs, not mAcs, maCs, etc. It wasn't MACintosh, either.


EDIT: I have the same model ordered, just with basic 4 GB RAM. Can't wait to get it, will be my first Mac!
Congratulations on your first Mac. Expect to be blown away by it's awesomeness :cool:. And if you have any questions, the people here will happily answer them, I know from experience.

I'm not so sure on the happily part... poor guy has already been heckled for typing Mac with all capitals.

My word of advice to you, don't take anything personal from what people say on these forums. A big majority of them love to rip into people. Example, the first two responses.
Congratulations on the switch. I made my switch a few months ago and know nearly everything there is to know already.

Have fun with your Mac!
I was much like you, built my own stuff, scoffed at Apple users, until I bought one. Wont go back.

Yup. Same here. Then my friend, who had an iBook, sent me a link to watch the Guided Tour of Leopard, and i was sold. I'll never buy another PC! :)
BTW, Congrats on your new Mac. Your story is a lot like mine, been a pc user for the last 16 years, built my own, etc.; our desktop 'family computer' just died recently and we got a Mac, mostly after I found out we could also run Windows on it natively (best of both worlds, right?).

So far, everybody loves it, and it's nice not having a big old tower lurking under the desk, although I miss the hot air blowing on my feet in winter :p
I've had my MacBook for 2 semesters now, and will never own a PC again.
I got my first mac about a week ago and i'm loving it. Its not a new mac but its new to me. Sure it doesn't have 8gb a ram or a 24" screen or 3.06ghz processor but its still runs rings around my toshiba laptop. (also it was a freebie :D)

Anyway have fun with your new mac.
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