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macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 9, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Alright so here is my little creation using SSH. Still not complete with other icons but wanted to see if anyone can help me with one thing.

How can I move or hide maybe the "app dots" because it is right below the six day weather widget. Anyone know how I can make it more clean?

Check it out


Hopefully someone can hook me up. Thanks in advance.
I know there's a WB theme out there that changes the page dots but I don't remember what it's called. Find a theme that does it and see where the .png's are located and then you could just make a blank .png so they would disappear and you wouldn't see them.
sorry i don't see where its grey of you could zip and upload the bundle for your theme some people maybe able to help change it to white including me.

It will be a line of code in a file somewere that makes it grey.
sorry i don't see where its grey of you could zip and upload the bundle for your theme some people maybe able to help change it to white including me.

It will be a line of code in a file somewere that makes it grey.

I'm talking about the icon name like ipod, maps..they are in grey not white. They is no line of code for that. Guess i'll troubleshoot, thanks.
That's a great theme, how did you do it? I know how to get the NYC weather theme, but this is Yonkers,I couldn't find a yonkers one. Plus you spaced the apps nicely.
That's a great theme, how did you do it? I know how to get the NYC weather theme, but this is Yonkers,I couldn't find a yonkers one. Plus you spaced the apps nicely.

Thanks! I used blank icons to separate the springboard (in cydia). I then put my zip code in the configureme.js file and saved it. SSH'd the weather widget to my device, checked it off in winterboard and respring...that's it.

My bottom dock icons are made smaller than the springboard icons so they fit nicely as well
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