If he can't justify it himself, he'll never fully adopt it. He needs to be honest about how it would fit into his life, ask him what he wants to use it for and answer whether it can or can not do it.
Read the numerous complaint threads and the I have no complaints threads
Just let him have a play with yours, and he will soon figure out for him self if he wants one.
Jeez it's Just a computer. He shouldn't have to rediscover himself in order to get an iPad.
You got the money? You want something cool? Buy.
Cant really afford it? Don't get it.
Ipads all about luxury simple as that
Seriously... what are you talking about?! It sounds freaky!
No, it's not about luxury. Almost any adult in the developed world could afford it if they wanted to. Suggesting that the reason why you don't want it is because you cannot afford it is just lame.
LOL, just like everyone who doesnt like Mac/OS X can't afford it.
just tell him it will get him girls. Done.
No, it's not about luxury. Almost any adult in the developed world could afford it if they wanted to.
No, it's not about luxury. Almost any adult in the developed world could afford it if they wanted to. Suggesting that the reason why you don't want it is because you cannot afford it is just lame.
just tell him it will get him girls. Done.