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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA

Thought you guys might dig it haha
Either you talk about Apple all the time is she just knows you well. :)
Happy Birthday! That's a nice looking cake, part of me wonders how she made the stem of the Apple hold in position like that.
Contrary to what everyone says, I say ditch her. She screwed up the proportions of the logo that would make the perfectionist Jobs cry.


Just kidding! Awesome cake! I hope it tasted as good as it looks!
Congrads on the big 30!

That cake is shweetness my man! I love it! My wife has been joking with me that I should get an apple tattoo on my shoulder! Being I have apple stickers plastered on my car, patches on my backpack and on and on. I will admit I am a fanboy. I came to terms with that years ago when I got my Centris 660.:D It's been a cavalcade of macs since!

The next step of course is when you go to marry this keeper you get the diamonds set in an apple logo.. Or then again... That might be a bit to far.:confused:
Thanks guys, yeah it was delicious. Vanilla cake, vanilla frosting and fresh strawberries inside. She also got me balloons and a bag with apple logos on them and she's been building up an apple gift card over holidays for the past year or so well I wait for the new Mac pros to come out. Def a keeper!!
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