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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 23, 2008
Too often people with bad experiences with Apple post their stories, which perhaps gives the false impression that Apple cannot get out of its own way regarding customer service. I had the opposite experience today and I thought that I would share.

I ordered a new iMac, which arrived yesterday. This morning I opened the shipping box and saw that the iMac box itself listed a wireless keyboard and mouse graphic and description. This caused immediate concern for me as I ordered (and needed) a wired keyboard for the numeric keypad. Before opening the box I called customer service which was very friendly and helpful. I explained the situation of the box graphic and how I didn't want to open anything until I could be assured that the box graphic was just generic and not specific to my order. They came back and said it was and I could open the box without reservation.

I opened the box to find a wired keyboard...that did not have a numeric keypad. Unlike the previous generation, apparently there is now two sets of wired keyboard options, with or without numeric keypad. I guess I hadn't realized this when I ordered and simply clicked on "wired keyboard" believing it would bring me one with the numeric keypad. Not the case. I explained my error to the rep and asked him if/how I could change it out for the one I wanted and needed. He told me that it was no problem, Apple would ship me the correct keyboard within 24 hours AND I could keep the old, incorrect keyboard, both without additional charge.

Now this gesture of a new keyboard will obviously not bankrupt Apple, but I found the simple fact that they would immediately provide me with the keyboard I wanted and allow me to keep the old one, free of charge, despite it being MY error on the order, to be one worthy of sharing amongst other users in the Mac community. It really made my day and I wanted to say "Thanks Apple!" and to let readers of forums like these that, despite the occasional hiccup, the company can still do right by its customers.
Too often people with bad experiences with Apple post their stories, which perhaps gives the false impression that Apple cannot get out of its own way regarding customer service. I had the opposite experience today and I thought that I would share.

I ordered a new iMac, which arrived yesterday. This morning I opened the shipping box and saw that the iMac box itself listed a wireless keyboard and mouse graphic and description. This caused immediate concern for me as I ordered (and needed) a wired keyboard for the numeric keypad. Before opening the box I called customer service which was very friendly and helpful. I explained the situation of the box graphic and how I didn't want to open anything until I could be assured that the box graphic was just generic and not specific to my order. They came back and said it was and I could open the box without reservation.

I opened the box to find a wired keyboard...that did not have a numeric keypad. Unlike the previous generation, apparently there is now two sets of wired keyboard options, with or without numeric keypad. I guess I hadn't realized this when I ordered and simply clicked on "wired keyboard" believing it would bring me one with the numeric keypad. Not the case. I explained my error to the rep and asked him if/how I could change it out for the one I wanted and needed. He told me that it was no problem, Apple would ship me the correct keyboard within 24 hours AND I could keep the old, incorrect keyboard, both without additional charge.

Now this gesture of a new keyboard will obviously not bankrupt Apple, but I found the simple fact that they would immediately provide me with the keyboard I wanted and allow me to keep the old one, free of charge, despite it being MY error on the order, to be one worthy of sharing amongst other users in the Mac community. It really made my day and I wanted to say "Thanks Apple!" and to let readers of forums like these that, despite the occasional hiccup, the company can still do right by its customers.

I have had nothing but excellent service from Apple. Their retail experience and that of AppleCare is world class and sets the standards that others should follow.

They're not perfect (lets face it, nobody and no firm is), but they care. And that matters to me.
Apple can be very good with the small things - case in point, they sent me a new set of the In-Ear Headphones as the ones I bought had a twisted microphone, and didn't want the originals back either.

Plus, their customer care tries to do the right thing - but the issue right now is that they shouldn't be shipping such a large number of faulty iMacs, even if they do replace them.
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