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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 7, 2009
Hi all,

For some reason when I try to put my iMac in sleep mode, it goes into sleep mode for about a minute or less and then turns back on.

There are no programs running on the computer and I'm not bumping into the mouse or any area of the computer, so I don't know why it keeps turning back on.

I hate shutting down my entire computer when I know I'll be using it in a phew hours, or the next day, so does anyone know why this is happening?

Repair permissions and verify the disk with Disk Utility and reset PRAM and SMC.

Okay I'm doing the repair permissions and verify the disk part now, but can you explain to me how to do the reset PRAM and SMC? Or if there is a simple quick guide to how to do it let me know.

Thanks :)
same with my iMac

I have a 20" white C2D iMac, ca. 2006. It does the same thing.

It annoyed the heck out of me, until I noticed something interesting. The closet in the room has a fluorescent light fixture in it. I can reliably wake my iMac from sleep just by turning on the light. So this is fundamentally a hardware issue. Somehow there's a slight voltage spike from the light. This spike is probably coupling into random USB cables. I don't think it's coming through the power line, since I have an APC UPS with built-in surge protector.

I've learned to live with it. I find it hard to believe that something like "repair permissions" will make any difference, unless part of that repair is to flip some bit that says "wake up when there's noise on the USB".
Or you have a crappy outlets or the whole electric system of your house sucks.
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