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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I figured it was finally time to start my own. I just bought the baseline iMac and with my mom's educator discount, got the 8 gig iPod touch and a printer. Though I would love to keep the touch, I hope to sell it and get one when the higher capacity is much cheaper. Anyway, I had to drive all the way to the Christiana Mall from just outside of North Philly, first time I drove on the highway for that long (I'm a beginning driver). It was so fun to go that fast for such a long period of time. Anyway, I just brought it home and will unbox it later, probably after I finish my APUSH paper (Advance Placement United States History). I will update the thread with a review in about a week, maybe more.
gonna use the new iMac for AP research / a white paper or just general use - whatever it is welcome to the club :)
gonna use the new iMac for AP research / a white paper or just general use - whatever it is welcome to the club :)

Well, the APUSH paper is based on a book I read and outlined, so I don't need any research. Plus, I'll be writing it on my PC, so the iMac is like a treat for finishing it. I can't wait to finish that paper, not just for the iMac, but so I can relax for at least a day before school starts.
Congrats on the purchase :)

I have the entry-level iMac pre-update from March. All I've done is install 4GB RAM myself.

How long a drive was it to get your Mac? It takes me about an hour to drive from where I live to the Apple Store at the Trafford Centre. I bumped into a girl I used to work with on my way out with that huge white box, plastered with iMac and Apple logos and she asks: "What are you up to today then?" :rolleyes:

I was in two minds whether or not to put the seat belt over the box for extra safety :D

The entry-level iMac's a great machine for the money and it'll stand you in good stead. I absolutely love my Mac and I hope you get the same enjoyment from yours- just keep a mental tally of how many times people ask where the tower is :)
Congrats on the purchase :)

I have the entry-level iMac pre-update from March. All I've done is install 4GB RAM myself.

How long a drive was it to get your Mac? It takes me about an hour to drive from where I live to the Apple Store at the Trafford Centre. I bumped into a girl I used to work with on my way out with that huge white box, plastered with iMac and Apple logos and she asks: "What are you up to today then?" :rolleyes:

I was in two minds whether or not to put the seat belt over the box for extra safety :D

The entry-level iMac's a great machine for the money and it'll stand you in good stead. I absolutely love my Mac and I hope you get the same enjoyment from yours- just keep a mental tally of how many times people ask where the tower is :)

Well, it took like an hour and a half, but that was because my dad stopped me for gas and then we got a little lost.

I really do think I'll enjoy the iMac. I walked into the store and saw the 24" ones and knew finally that the 20" would be great for me. My mom was looking at the box during checkout and just looked at me and said "Can I use it?" That was funny.

I kept it in the trunk myself, I wasn't afraid of jostling, since I was driving a '94 Corolla and the printer was also wedging it.
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