So I have a linksys E3000 dual band. I have had countless problems running N on the 5 ghz band. I am running one side only (2.4 Mixed). I have a new mac mini (n) , macbook (g) , macbook pro (n) , G5 tower (wired) , iMac 17 (g) , xbox 360 (g) , atv2 (n) , ipad (n) , iphone 4 (n) , iphone 3g (g) , 2 ipodt4g (?). The router is putting out a good signal everywhere in the house. I am only getting about 1MB/S transfer between my Macbook Pro and my Mini. Any ideas. I bought a new router just a few days ago. I was getting the exact transfer speeds on the old g router running dd wrt . Any ideas? I have searched, and found everyone's situation is different. I would love to use the 5 ghz band, but I seem to have a lot of problems. Oh, I am running WPA2 for security. Thanks in advance.