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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 9, 2010
New York
I am all nerded out. Is that a term? Well, it is now.

Today is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l in NYC, so I got out early and glided along the Hudson River Park on my Segway i2. On the way home, I stopped right on the water, parked the Segway, sat under the shade and read the iPad for about an hour.

THIS is why I love my iPad now. It fits perfectly without weighing down my Segway bag the way my MBP would.

Good times! Great invention, Apple...and Segway :D

I didn't know that mall cops got to take the Segways home. :D
He heh it's GEEKED out.

I would actually love to try one of them segways one day. Sounds like an excellent day for you. What were you reading? Did you post this while out? :)
He heh it's GEEKED out.

I would actually love to try one of them segways one day. Sounds like an excellent day for you. What were you reading? Did you post this while out? :)

I was reading a few news websites, and I posted on Segway Chat while out. I'm at home posting this.

Yesterday, I enjoyed the iPad on the terrace while watching the ships go by. This thing rocks! :apple:
I love Segway - it is totally cool. Really disappointing that it is not nearly as popular as I originally expected.
Funny stuff!

As I cyclist I gotta say it. Get on a'll do ya good.


How so? I personally prefer exercising in the gym about 5x/week. Is that okay?

Oh, and when I have a meeting to go to, yeah, I just don't wanna hop on a bike in NYC traffic and arrive dead or super sweaty. Not to mention when I take my heavy video and computing equipment with me to various locations with steep hills. Going down on a bike, I'd probably tumble down. Is anyone willing to cover that hospital tab?

How about this? If a bike works for you, that is fantastic. I chose to sell mine. The Segway is the perfect form of transportation for me the way a car, Vespa or motorcycle is for someone else. In fact, it stops quicker than, is more maneuverable than and makes me more visible in traffic than a bike.

To each his/her own, aight?
I love Segway - it is totally cool. Really disappointing that it is not nearly as popular as I originally expected.

Because for the same price you can buy an ATV or dirtbike that produces 20x the horsepower. Of course you have to have some place to actually ride the ATV or bike.
they would be if they did not cost so much.


Plus there's an abundance of ignorance about them from lawmakers and the public, voicing comments as if factual about that which they know little to nothing about.

The price would need to drop, like the iPhone's price did. Same with the iPad. Some call it stupid until they play with one. One guy told me to "Get a real computer." That's exactly like the comments in this thread suggesting that I work out, despite these posters not knowing anything about my physical condition. They harbor a prejudice against a product, then aim that prejudice at the owner(s) of the product. I think it's called high school.
Because for the same price you can buy an ATV or dirtbike that produces 20x the horsepower. Of course you have to have some place to actually ride the ATV or bike.

That's a totally different type of mode of transportation. That requires gas. The Segway can be plugged in -- no gas expense. I can park my Segway indoors and take in into the elevator of my building. Parking at my building is about $250/month. I can glide along the river trail, enjoy the park and stop on a dime. NYC traffic is not very comfortable to be in on any two-wheeler.

You should really try one just for recreation if nothing else. And if it's not for you, that's cool. That doesn't mean that it's impractical for everyone else. Some Segway owners have cars and other motor vehicles. People have different uses for them.

Plus there's an abundance of ignorance about them from lawmakers and the public, voicing comments as if factual about that which they know little to nothing about.

The price would need to drop, like the iPhone's price did. Same with the iPad. Some call it stupid until they play with one. One guy told me to "Get a real computer." That's exactly like the comments in this thread suggesting that I work out, despite these posters not knowing anything about my physical condition. They harbor a prejudice against a product, then aim that prejudice at the owner(s) of the product. I think it's called high school.

indeed , i see it as a environmental help if people started using them more in the city,

even delivery drivers could benefit (if battery stamina was there)

i would grab on at less then 2000 cdn, other then that its just to much especially when replacement cells are 995.00 each.
Can't We All Just Get Along?

I really didn't expect this to turn into an anti-Segway bashing fest. After syncing the iPad, I noticed the screen in my iTunes app, and thought it was cute to share here and on the Segway boards. I expected tolerance here, as Apple products and 'fanboys/girls' have been ridiculed for every product we decide to get excited over when the majority of society doesn't deem it practical nor wise.

Any first generation iPhone owners here? *raising hand* I remember being ridiculed by blackberry owners stating that they had 'real' phones with push email. Any iPad owners here? *raises hand* "It's a big iPod Touch. How stupid. No phone? No camera? A Kindle is lighter." Sound familiar?

So I came here because I had a great morning. With the iPad in my Segway bag, I was able to glide along the river, then stop and read my iPad. I love that the two compliment one another -- one being light and portable. One being a mode of transportation that gets me to remote places in the park where I can enjoy the iPad.

I really do not want to get into these juvenile arguments about the Segway here. If it's not for you, and you don't see a use for one, by all means, don't get one.

If you have questions about why anyone has one, visit The friendly folks there will share with you. ;)

Take Care...
Do you use the Seg on the road or pavement?

I have seen tour parties in Paris use them, never seen one in London.

I think rough attractive boys would chase me if I used one in parts of London, how fast do they go?...could I outglide them or would I be mincemeat?
I really didn't expect this to turn into an anti-Segway bashing fest. After syncing the iPad, I noticed the screen in my iTunes app, and thought it was cute to share here and on the Segway boards. I expected tolerance here, as Apple products and 'fanboys/girls' have been ridiculed for every product we decide to get excited over when the majority of society doesn't deem it practical nor wise.

Any first generation iPhone owners here? *raising hand* I remember being ridiculed by blackberry owners stating that they had 'real' phones with push email. Any iPad owners here? *raises hand* "It's a big iPod Touch. How stupid. No phone? No camera? A Kindle is lighter." Sound familiar?

So I came here because I had a great morning. With the iPad in my Segway bag, I was able to glide along the river, then stop and read my iPad. I love that the two compliment one another -- one being light and portable. One being a mode of transportation that gets me to remote places in the park where I can enjoy the iPad.

I really do not want to get into these juvenile arguments about the Segway here. If it's not for you, and you don't see a use for one, by all means, don't get one.

If you have questions about why anyone has one, visit The friendly folks there will share with you. ;)

Take Care...

Hold on here ... I thought your post was great, as did a few others, as will any forum you gotta learn to ignore the juveniles and trolls.
Nice -

I had a launch Segway back in 03 - was a fun toy for a few weeks until I realized that I really had no where to take it/use it. Once it started showing up ta the local mall's ridden by rent-a-cops it lost some of its luster.
Some Segway owners have cars and other motor vehicles.

Funniest statement of the week. I can't imagine picking up a date on one......:D

Glad the iPad works for you, I would imagine any weight decrease would help with one of those. It would probably work great for bicycle commuting as well.
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