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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 27, 2010
The Fed Ex progress bar, is completely filled up in the "In Transit" section. Delivery is next.

How much longer do I have, approx.? Based on YOUR experiences, thanks.
Doesn't fed ex give an approximate delivery date?

I say it will hit your door step on a Friday.
That's the bottle neck in their shipping. Once it hits Lantau (Hong Kong International Airport) it take a few days. It has to clear customs in Hong Kong then it gets sent out.
Fed Ex approx delivery is the 24th, but that HAS to be an overshoot... My iPhone shipped in like 3 days, and there is plenty of time for it to arrive by Saturday, if not I will be so pissed.
Lantau Island is a lovely and relaxing island to visit if on holiday in HK by the way (the non-airport side of it). Just throwing that out there.
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