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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 13, 2011
I have an iphone4 at 4.3.2 firmware and jailbroken. i have decided to upgrade to ios5 and its says that my My iPhone isn't eligible for update IOS5 and it is annoying me. what should i do? any help is welcome and also when i back up the files to they remain without the jaikbroken data?
thanks! :D
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When it tells you that you're not eligible, click on More Information to check what the specific error code is. Mine was 3194 and it had something to do with my hosts file on my computer - mine was altered while trying to save SHSH blog using Tiny Umbrella.

You could delete the particular lines that point to or just put a # to the left of it. # nullifies whatever comes after so same effect.

If you have any lines that point to, backup the hosts file and delete the lines (using a standard editor such as Notepad). You may need to ensure that you have admin privileges. Reboot and try the iTunes upgrade again.

If your hosts file is clean, you will have no option but to pursue the Apple recommendations - but at least you will have eliminated one of the more common causes of the error.
thank you so much!!! i shall try that but also how do you edit the host? im very bad at this

If you use TinyUmbrella, there's an option to not save Cydia information in hosts file on exit or some such. It makes it so you don't have to muck about with the hosts file yourself.
how would you make sure to get rid of jailbreak but not other data?


and also the restore didnt work for me. because i tried that a few times so i just earsed all data and was going to restore from backup but i want to be sure that jailbreak files wont be in the backup.
When you backup your iPhone, it won't save any of the "jailbreaking" software. Just back up your iPhone, plug into computer, put it into DFU mode, and restore.
I know this is a stupid question, but you do have iTunes 10.5 installed right?
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