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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 10, 2007
Not sure if there is a problem with my music files (possibly through the wifi store...) but my songs just randomly stop about a minute in, and for a few seconds the iphone struggles then gives up and goes to the next song. is anyone else experiencing this? I'm on 1.1.3 so I though it may be one of those bugs mentioned earlier. I may just have to restore, although it really is a hassle moving all my songs back and forth...
yeah man, ive had my iphone since the first day it came out and i had a couple of them by now (replace through warranty) and the problem still continues. its really irritating. ive tried it all, deleting the software and restoring etc. nothing works. i hope apple hurrys the hell up and patches it. dont waste your time going to the apple store, they'll just say to restore it or reboot it or something that youve already done, and they might even replace it...but you'll still have the same problem.
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