i don't know what gives.
last night i was on cydia and i did the "upgrade essential" so all my stuff is upgraded...and this morning, i was making/receiving calls just fine, but then stopped.
and i have 5 bars.
it won't even let me go through. just CALL FAILED.
i've re-booted 3 times and still nothing.
before someone jumps down my throat, i've looked through pages of searched "can't make calls on jailbroken phone" and i couldn't find anything.
please please help
last night i was on cydia and i did the "upgrade essential" so all my stuff is upgraded...and this morning, i was making/receiving calls just fine, but then stopped.
and i have 5 bars.
it won't even let me go through. just CALL FAILED.
i've re-booted 3 times and still nothing.
before someone jumps down my throat, i've looked through pages of searched "can't make calls on jailbroken phone" and i couldn't find anything.
please please help