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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 31, 2004
A geographical oddity
before i begin, i'd like to preface my comments by saying that i'm normally not so stupid and would like to blame this on general retardedness.

i got an email "from" paypal. i clicked on the link and (duh), it was a fake link. on my pc, i would have begun to piss my pants. but, on my mac, i don't know. how secure am i, and what would i need to do to see what clicking on that link did to me? below is the link, if that helps. and don't tell me that i was dumb. i already know that.
did you enter any info? i would think that would be the really dangerous thing. i hoep you dont mind tht i didnt click the link, dont want to make ti worse if its a test of your email address.

Turn off Safari's pop-up blocker, and you'll see it's nothing more than any other website trying to "phish" your name and password.

Nothing happened to you computer, and as long as you didn't enter info, they didn't get any.

Don't worry!

Yeah, it's just a fake paypal site made to look like the real one. Prolly just to get usernames and passwords. Crazy...
Haha, that's a funny site.. I can't wait till eBay sues them...not just for trying to steal passwords, but for stealing a lot of info and banner etc and putting links on the page to the real eBay site when that is illegal (it is for any site, unless you have permission from the site's owner)

EDIT: I just went to the site (without the backslashes / and folders). Apparently its a webmail site...located in Korea (that explains the long page loads). I couldn't get any more information than that, I think you need a username and password to access the site, and I don't speak Korean so I couldn't figure it out.
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