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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2010
im new on here and dont really knows how to use it so sorrie if this is in the wrong place. i have a imac, bought it off some guy .. but it only lets me go on certain websites, like if i go on youtube or facebook it crashes.. plus i can only get the green itunes.. if this because its old and needs updating? .. i think it is on pantha atm.. do i need snow leopard to make these websites work?
Plus if i get snow leopard will i have to go through the stages.. like pantha to tiger to leopard or can i just jump straight to snow leopard??
Thank youu :)
Go to :apple: > About This Mac


to find out what Mac you have and what Mac OS X version is on it. Post the results here and we can help you more.
mac 0s x
version.. 10.3.9
processpr.. 1.8ghz power pc gs
memory.. 1gb ddr sdram

have know idea what all that meens tho..
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) are the best options, but they still cost a lot via eBay.

Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) will not run on your machine.

have know idea what all that meens tho..

mac 0s x
version.. 10.3.9

That is the Mac OS X version number, it's Mac OS X 10.3.9

processpr.. 1.8ghz power pc gs

That'e is the name of the processor (CPU - Central Processing Unit) and the clock speed: It's a G5 CPU with 1.8GHz clock speed. The G5 is an older CPU made by IBM and used the PowerPC architecture, which was abandoned for Macs in 2005/6.

memory.. 1gb ddr sdram

That is the amount of memory you have, 1GB DDR SDRAM. The memory hold active applications and documents in it so that you can access them faster.

If you go to you can find more specs and see that you can add more RAM (memory) to it, if you want.

PS: Please use better spelling in the future, as it enhances readability and comprehension. You don't wanna end like the ones posting on, do you?
The Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) are the best options, but they still cost a lot via eBay.

Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) will not run on your machine.

thank you :) .. will that solve my problems with the websites not working ?
Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5 might work better, but YouTube might still stutter with HD video.

Do you know anyone that knows the way around Mac OS X, so that s/he can help you setup your new OS installation?

nah no one knows owt about macs here :p .. and youtube doesnt stutter it just wont upload the page and then i will have to force quit it
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