So, I got this beast... and everything was fine for a while.

It's a monster compared to the 12" pb (mine was stolen, that's mom's)...
Since wifi would have extended my backorder, I chose to forego that for the time being. I used the firewire internet sharing on the powerbook, and it worked like a champ for a day. On day 2 I decided to do some web dev work on the tower, but immediately started getting unexpected quits. Firefox, terminal, motion, etc... basically everything started crapping out. So, based on another thread I had read about bad builds I hit the software update. There were some updates... after the update my firewire internet sharing stopped working, even after rebooting, etc.
wtf, guys?
Anyone know what's going on with this or should I ask apple?
For 3 grand, I don't think it's unreasonable for me to expect terminal to work.