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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 22, 2009
So today, as some of you may know (most probably don't) I traded my MBP for what I thought was a 1.86hz/120hdd mba. I was a little disappointed because I really wanted the SSD version but I figured I could just buy one in the future. I met with the person outside a cafe, and luckily she wasn't the craigslist killer. While inspecting the MBA, which she received as a gift, I noticed something strange. Under the system profiler, it showed it had an SSD (!) I tried to hold back the smile, but just looked like an idiot. After going home and restoring from time machine backup I booted up coconut battery. It has 6 cycles in 10 months. (She told me that she only turned it on a few times, guess she wasn't kidding). Anyways, I'm now the proud owner of a rev b. 1.86/128gb. It certainly made my day and can't wait to use it a whole lot more. :D


macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
Congrats dude. sounds like you got a great deal! Rock on for scoring a great machine.

a little tip, I'll buy old macs on eBay that people list incorrectly. Check the "powerbook G4" section of ebay but the pic is a unibody 15" i'll email the person for the model number and realize it's a 2.4Ghz last gen unibody. I'll buy it for cheap (cause no one is bidding on it) and resell it for the correct value in the right category.

it's a good way to find great machines for very cheap. You made out lucky. enjoy the SSD version!
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