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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
well after "acquiring" iphoto, i thought i would let everyone in on how this new version handles.

first, please note that i will NOT send the new version to you

1. First message tells me about not needing drivers and some other crap.

2. iPhoto needs to update the photo library. Is this okay?... well i suppose it is... problem is, i have over 3000 photos. i estimate that updating took somewhere around an hour and a half. i hope everyone has patience!


3. initial impression: aside from the agony of waiting for my photos to get loaded, the interface is SNAPPY! film rolls collapse and expand in nanoseconds. renaming photos takes about half a second as opposed to 4. full size view takes about half the amount of time it took before. the spacing between the film rolls is a little too much for my taste. i wish they were closer together.


4. there is now a new preference in the appearances that allows you to use an outline instead of drop shadow.



Hey, I got iPhoto 4 too, and does it seem a little slow to you? I don't know, there doesn't seem to be that much of a speed increase over iPhoto 3.

And, did you notice when you scroll in your photo library, as you scrolll, the pictures contrast and brightness change? Kinda weird.

Its pretty nice though, I don't know if I will use the Photo Library Sharing, that'd be a little weird.
scrolling is choppy... it seems to jump a little further than i want it to. the brightness and contrast don't change, they are just really pixelated when scrolling.
Do either of you guys have access to an iBook 500? That's my system now, and I need to decide if iPhoto 4 is worth $50. As with everyone else, iPhoto 2 speeds are lacking.

I'd like to know how fast iPhoto 4 runs on a 500mhz G3 without Quartz Extreme.

I'll be getting it in less than a week...I can wait for legit version. But it is nice of you to post those screenshots.

Originally posted by MacAztec
I don't know, there doesn't seem to be that much of a speed increase over iPhoto 3.

Ugh. Why did they just skip iPhoto 3? Why? Did they really need them all to be "4" for some reason? It is so stupid. It should be iPhoto 3.
How does the file structure work ... can i use my existing file heirarcy or will it organize the pictures by the presets that are found in the program (date) forcing me to reorganize using albums ... i didn't like this in the old iPhoto and never ended up using it.

i'm looking for something that works more like Extensis Portolio minus the 200$ price tag

edit - grammar (wow, that was bad)
Nice info, mnkeybsness.

One correction: there were more options for borders/shadows in 2.


  • iphoto2.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 267
this is *said* to be the final version ready for shipping.

Rower: i can deselect both the outline and drop shadow options for "no border"...

revenuee: everything is the same. that's why it takes so long to update the library i think.
Originally posted by mnkeybsness

revenuee: everything is the same. that's why it takes so long to update the library i think.

well it takes some time to get the files for extensis to load, thats why it offers realtime scrolling and the catalog file is 15 MB ... either way, if what you say is true i'll get my own copy of portfolio ... since itunes works for me just fine and i have no need for iDVD or iMovie and iPhoto i'm more then happy with my current arrangement.

Thanks mnkeybsness
Originally posted by mnkeybsness
Rower: i can deselect both the outline and drop shadow options for "no border"...

Ah, that's right...those are checkboxes.

But you still had the outline border options in v2, so they're not "new". ;)
by everything is the same, i mean the preferences and file structures.

all in all i think iphoto 4 is a wonderful update and very fast (after it's done updating the library)
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