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Personally I think 'designs' is a bit hard to read - but it's a pretty nice logo nonetheless.
AvSRoCkCO1067 said: want us to discuss it....?

Personally I think 'designs' is a bit hard to read - but it's a pretty nice logo nonetheless.

I concur. It's cool but I can't read "designs" very well.
AvSRoCkCO1067 said:
Personally I think 'designs' is a bit hard to read - but it's a pretty nice logo nonetheless.

Same thought here, it is kinda hard to read the "design". But besides that, your logo looks pretty cool kammron. :)
I agree...its not bad, but the "designs" is hard to read.

Also, be careful with .png's. Those windows folk using IE have trouble with alpha transparency.
I agree..."designs" is hard to read. And I'd 86 the drop shadow, too.

In all, the logo doesn't really stand out to me. It looks like something that would become dated rather quickly.

"kam" loses it's outline when printed on a white sheet, which would leave "Ron" bigger.

Also, how does this design work in grayscale?
Seeing this design, my eye is lead right to Ron, I don't even notice kam or designs unless I look at them specifically, but my eye is lead right to the word Ron on this background.
I like it but 2 points if I may. One, I agree with the others about the word designs. Two, if I were designing that I would have made Kam and Ron the same and let the contrast be between 2 elements (KamRon vs designs) instead of 3 (Kam vs Ron vs designs).

I will echo the "hard to read" sentiment, in addition to adding emphasis to the posts made by Josh and tobefirst, as I agree with their points, as well.
thats cause it was made in like 5 minutes,
and prior to it i didnt have a logo.
this is for individual work and mixtape covers.
kammron said:
thats cause it was made in like 5 minutes...

I'm biting my tongue on that line...

it's seems that the people on this board have spent more time on your logo than you did.

I'm not biting mine, did you expect everyone to say "wow thats fantastic?" and infact no one did so you made out you put no effort in?

EDIT: excuse my post, it only took me 1 minute and I didn't have one before.
kammron said:
thats cause it was made in like 5 minutes,
and prior to it i didnt have a logo.
this is for individual work and mixtape covers.

I once read a quote somewhere (anybody fill me in if you know it) of which the gist was:

Never excuse your work; always work to your best and sit back and be proud when the criticism comes.

You did ask for advice.

Anyway back to the critique; it's nice, but design is hard to read. Sorry :eek:
crap freakboy said:
do you design for NASCAR teams?
Considering 'design' is badly designed I'd redesign the design part of the design.

do I win a prize for including design so many times?

Your one 'design' short of winning a 3.0 Ghz MacPro. Sorry!
Personally... designs is a pinch hard to read, but I like the idea of it. Maybe write it out yourself in your own cool cursive and scan it in and do some magic to make it a smooth vector.

The RON does stand out to be the attention grabber though, kam seems to be just forgotten. It's a great start, try a different font for the KamRon. I think sticking to strictly black and red, or white and red (depending on what color it's resting on) would be nice.

Lastly.... I've discovered that this forum is such a nasty place for critique, everyone is a superstar professional is whatever you're asking about, whether it design, or photography, or english, and many are rather tactless in their delivery of 'critique'.
I appreciate the advice/critique of MacRumor's Members because they're always honest. I'd rather be told if my design/photo/website is poorly-designed rather than putting it up on the web as is.

About your design, I agree with the general census here.:eek: Designs is hard to read and I am being drawn into "Ron"

Good Luck
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