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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 5, 2006
Great White North
Just wondering if all you guys and gals with a week 5 have gotten the firmware update prompt.

Mine didn't do it. Does this mean that panels have been quietly replaced/repaired in the factory?

FYI: My new i5 does have a very, very slight yellow on the right side but not noticeable unless you really look for it. It's keeper for me 'cause it won't bother me at all.
My week 5 didn't prompt for either. I think Apple preinstalled it before shipping.
Thanks guys, at least I know I'm not going crazy hehehe...

It's always good to speculate that Apple might have done some drastic updating of the new units in the factory.
Indeed, if the firmware update does not appear when running Software Update then it is already flashed to that revision prior to shipping and you don't need to worry about it.

It seems like they may start flashing production machines with new firmware a week or more before they release it to the general public.
Indeed, if the firmware update does not appear when running Software Update then it is already flashed to that revision prior to shipping and you don't need to worry about it.

It seems like they may start flashing production machines with new firmware a week or more before they release it to the general public.

It seems like it...thanks. :)
It seems like it...thanks. :)

No problem, by the way not to hijack but congratulations on getting a keeper with your latest replacement. After 5 tries you surely deserved it.

I've been following this entire saga on my problem-free week 47 i7, the first one I took shipment of. I'm hoping Apple gets everyone with problem machines sorted out or refunded SOON.
No problem, by the way not to hijack but congratulations on getting a keeper with your latest replacement. After 5 tries you surely deserved it.

I've been following this entire saga on my problem-free week 47 i7, the first one I took shipment of. I'm hoping Apple gets everyone with problem machines sorted out or refunded SOON.

Thanks! I'm hoping they sort it out's such a great machine to give up on. Too bad it's the one part you have to stare on all the time that seems to be defective. :)
"Thanks! I'm hoping they sort it out's such a great machine to give up on. Too bad it's the one part you have to stare on all the time that seems to be defective. "

Yeah, a couple years back I bought a refurb macbook pro. The lid didn't snap closed and the camera never worked... but I never really had a day I wasn't using it and never took it in for the fix. If something had been wrong with the screen though I def would have had to take it in....

Some Bad News

After playing around with the new i5, I noticed a piece of something the size of a sesame seed (half the size actually) embeded on the screen. I didn't see it immediately, but after working on the computer for a couple of hours, there it was. Damn, I didn't see this one in the store.

It's noticeable only on white or on other light colours. It's definitely not a dead or stuck pixel (man, I have dealt with those in the past and I detest them) or a dust particle, it's something stuck inside of the LCD itself. All 5 of my returns had this anomaly.

The problem is, I now know where it is, and I will be looking for it from now on....frustrating.

The iMac is now in the box to be returned tomorrow.

My search continues. This will be the 5th chapter/return. I am almost giving up at this point. :(
After playing around with the new i5, I noticed a piece of something the size of a sesame seed (half the size actually) embeded on the screen. I didn't see it immediately, but after working on the computer for a couple of hours, there it was. Damn, I didn't see this one in the store.

There obviously shouldn't be anything, dust or otherwise, under the glass panel but it is ridiculously easy to pop off and clean. It's only held on by magnets. However, the LCD panel is a dust magnet so if you were going to do it yourself I'd recommend you turn off all heaters, etc and put a damp towel under the door and wait 30 minutes or so for any dust in the room to settle.

Alternatively, the Apple Store geniuses can do it for you. It seems a crying shame to return an otherwise great machine if it's just a dust particle under the panel.
There obviously shouldn't be anything, dust or otherwise, under the glass panel but it is ridiculously easy to pop off and clean. It's only held on by magnets. However, the LCD panel is a dust magnet so if you were going to do it yourself I'd recommend you turn off all heaters, etc and put a damp towel under the door and wait 30 minutes or so for any dust in the room to settle.

Alternatively, the Apple Store geniuses can do it for you. It seems a crying shame to return an otherwise great machine if it's just a dust particle under the panel.

It's actually not dust under the panel but some solid material stuck on the LCD itself. I can tell it's not under the glass because when I look at it from an angle its looks obviously embedded in the panel. I will not even try removing the glass itself if I knew it was dust.

It is really unfortunate because the machine is ok otherwise. That thing just bothers me when I have to look at the spot on where it is.
It is really unfortunate because the machine is ok otherwise. That thing just bothers me when I have to look at the spot on where it is.

No, I hear you, and I don't blame you one bit for wanting to send it back, difficult to detect or not. However, are you certain it's not something that cannot be easily removed if they popped the glass off? It might be worth letting the geniuses have a shot at in the store before you call it a day and get a refund, or <gulp> try for another replacement.
No, I hear you, and I don't blame you one bit for wanting to send it back, difficult to detect or not. However, are you certain it's not something that cannot be easily removed if they popped the glass off? It might be worth letting the geniuses have a shot at in the store before you call it a day and get a refund, or <gulp> try for another replacement.

Thanks for the thoughts. :) I don't believe it's something the geniuses can remedy. I have examined the speck (and the other specks on the earlier iMacs I tried) at different angles, and I can clearly see it is beneath the LCD itself.

Thanks again for your suggestions. :)
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