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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 12, 2006
I bought 2 1gb sticks of Omni tech ram for $160. I removed the apple ram and installed the first stick. Went in nice and smooth. The second stick would not go in. I tried both sides. Didn't go in. The first stick would go in either side. I made sure they were the same ram. They had all the same markings. I looked even closer and found that the one stick was a little wider than the other. It looked to be 2mm wider. I called Omni and they said they would send me 2 new ones. They said this never happened before. They were nice on the phone. Also, the first stick that went in worked fine and my macbook registered it. I tried 1gb and a 256 and it worked fine. I just have to send the 2 back within 10 days. They are sending new ram to me tomarrow. Its strange that the factory would mess up like that.
Things like this happen all the time with hardware. Just this week at work I received HP RAM for the Xeon 5000 series Proliant DL380 G4 server range and even though the packaging and the RAM itself had the correct part number, spare number, and description the RAM was full buffered Xeon 5100 series RAM (Mac Pro RAM). I could actually list off heap of times this kind of stuff happens here, it's only good though when I get to take the hardware home. ;)
I'm not mad. I just hope the new ram goes in and works. I jus have to wait a few days. Most ram is made in other countries(3rd world) and should not cost as much as it does. The original macbook ram I have is made in Korea and doesn't look that wonderful. I think it is so funny and scary that apple ram would cost $500. Why would it be half the price of the whole computer? Does it have Korean gold plate on it.
ferretboy said:
Most ram is made in other countries(3rd world) and should not cost as much as it does. The original macbook ram I have is made in Korea and doesn't look that wonderful.

While I agree that labor costs are lower in other countries, I wouldn't go around telling Koreans their country is "3rd world"...
D-rock said:
While I agree that labor costs are lower in other countries, I wouldn't go around telling Koreans their country is "3rd world"... might get their hopes up. JOKE! sorry, i'm in a tired and sarcastic jokey mood so sorry & delete if it offends anyone (didnt mean to offend).
I just sent a gig stick back to Omni. It was DOA. They were nice on the phone to me as well. They told me that the reason my stick could have been dead on arrival was because of terrorism. They think it was killed by too many scans for contents. They were happy to exchange it out. I should get the replacement in a few days.
D-rock said:
While I agree that labor costs are lower in other countries, I wouldn't go around telling Koreans their country is "3rd world"...

They have killer Internet speeds there!
Getting back on topic, I bought some PC100 SDRAM for my G3 tower, and found that the little notches (the ones that ensure you plug the module in the right way around) were "off" by a couple of mm. Needless to say, it didn't fit!
Nermal said:
Getting back on topic, I bought some PC100 SDRAM for my G3 tower, and found that the little notches (the ones that ensure you plug the module in the right way around) were "off" by a couple of mm. Needless to say, it didn't fit!

Its hard to understand how those little sweatshop workers are messing up so bad.
BBC B 32k said:
I ordered ram for my iBook on Monday (a bank holiday here in the UK) and it arrived yesterday morning. On std free shipping. Pretty quick. Fits perfectly. The company - Cruical worth the bit extra.

Actually got a good price using the method discussed here.

I guess you get what you pay for. :eek:
Once again I'm miss quoted. I said MOST ram is made in 3rd world countries... BUT my original ram was made in Korea. Even though the Korean ram that apple sells is expensive it doesn't seem to worth the extra $400. I'm joking about the Korean ram having gold plate on it. Trying to justify the extra cost, when it most likey cost the same to make it. Did you know that North Korea is so poor they can't even afford to have many lights on at night. When I was watching a NASA show they showed what the planet looked like from orbit and south Korea was lite up like a Christmas tree and North Korea was Dark as a blackhole. Maybe the little dictator there should spend his money on food(for his people) and important things instead of weapons.Also, maybe he should stop kidnapping tourists and throwing them overboard to the sharks on his ship. Just a thought.
ferretboy said:
I said MOST ram is made in 3rd world countries...
So you think Timor-Leste, Malawi, Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Yemen, Burundi, Afghanistan, Guinea-Bissau, Ethiopia, Niger, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Zambia and Eritrea (Third World Countries in terms of their Gross National Income) are where RAM is being made?

Sean :rolleyes:
ferretboy said:
Once again I'm miss quoted. I said MOST ram is made in 3rd world countries... BUT my original ram was made in Korea. Even though the Korean ram that apple sells is expensive it doesn't seem to worth the extra $400. I'm joking about the Korean ram having gold plate on it. Trying to justify the extra cost, when it most likey cost the same to make it. Did you know that North Korea is so poor they can't even afford to have many lights on at night. When I was watching a NASA show they showed what the planet looked like from orbit and south Korea was lite up like a Christmas tree and North Korea was Dark as a blackhole. Maybe the little dictator there should spend his money on food(for his people) and important things instead of weapons.Also, maybe he should stop kidnapping tourists and throwing them overboard to the sharks on his ship. Just a thought.

I thought south korea is the one where our memory chips are from?
"3rd World" is so un-PC. The current vernacular are the terms Developed, Developing, and Underdeveloped (3rd world) :)
ferretboy said:
Once again I'm miss quoted. I said MOST ram is made in 3rd world countries... BUT my original ram was made in Korea. Even though the Korean ram that apple sells is expensive it doesn't seem to worth the extra $400. I'm joking about the Korean ram having gold plate on it. Trying to justify the extra cost, when it most likey cost the same to make it. Did you know that North Korea is so poor they can't even afford to have many lights on at night. When I was watching a NASA show they showed what the planet looked like from orbit and south Korea was lite up like a Christmas tree and North Korea was Dark as a blackhole. Maybe the little dictator there should spend his money on food(for his people) and important things instead of weapons.Also, maybe he should stop kidnapping tourists and throwing them overboard to the sharks on his ship. Just a thought.

Why are you talking about north korea at all, it doesn't make any sense. North Korea and South Korea are completely different places, and I'll assure you that your Hynix memory is manufactured by Hyundai in South Korea. It's far from being a 3rd world country. Their technology advances can make OUR country look like a 3rd world country at times.
As for the rediculous pricing of apple upgrades, that's where they get you. I guarantee that the chips in your apple ram will be the exact same chips as are used in the third party ram. It all comes from the same people, Apple just likes to dupe their customers into thinking that their stuff is better. Duped those customers are.

People think that Apple is a company for the people, and is all lovey dovey, but they're no better than Microsoft or any other PC hardware or software provider. They want money, and lots of it. Apple users are just used to paying more, so they do. They want the little bitten Apple on their everything.
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