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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 12, 2011
jajaja well as you guys may know... i've been building a hackintosh. Well, it works, and its working fine. but the case where i kept the beast its UUUUGLY. so. i've ordered an old G4 Case and make it compatible with intel proccessors.

Right now i've removed everything and i ve made my own ... mods to the case so the mobo and graphics card could fit on its new home :).

i know i know xD... im not that good making mods... but hey, its my first attempt :D... :apple:




today i will update pictures with everything inside and working :eek:
Thats something I've thought about doing with my dead G4. Keep this updated,its looking good so far!
My project Power Hackintosh G4 MDD!!! have been completed succesfuly.

After the work i've been finishing my project xD (just a 3 day project OMG D:).

I've needed to remove even more metal from inside the case, and i needed to use a lot of hot glue and other stuff so i could secure that big fan at the right D:.

I've decided to remove everything from the old power button, and recicled an old power button from an old case (it had like 6 months on my backyard xD)...

After toying with more Hot glue i managed to make the new power switch.

Also i've made the holes so i could secure the mobo to the case xD... With a damn Screwdriver and a Hammer Hell YEAH D< like the real man would do it...! xD

finally, the computer turns on and works ok. I must be verifying constantly the temperatures, but right now the computer is working just ok.


The power On SWITCH xDDD


Placing and securing everything. i've decided to put the power supply on the front, because i couldnt make it fit on the rear of the computer. Anyway i made a hole so i could plug the power cable.


i cant believe it!, it worked! xD i was so happy xD


placing the power switch with hot glue, more glue and a piece of cardboard xD...


Everything secured and ready for the final test!


it works :)


An powermac g4 booting snow leopard?! please mail me the guide to my mail!! D<


PowerMac G4 booting Starcraft 2 :)

Right now i just need to place the DVD burner. but as my graphics card needs that space, i need to make an plataform where i could place the dvd burner. but well... i think i just use the dvd for installations so i just dont need it right now n_nu
and thats all ... xD now if you excuse me, i will resume my work, i need to finish some things for tomorrow :O!! :apple:
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Interesting project.

I'm betting you could easily route the power cable out the back. The cable coming out the front like that is impractical and would bug the hell out of me.

Worst case: you could probably just run it under the case to the back.

Best case: you could probably just twist it around inside the case and run it out the back.

Also, I'm sure it's just laying there, but it looks like you have a SATA cable running to your graphics card!
Interesting project.

I'm betting you could easily route the power cable out the back. The cable coming out the front like that is impractical and would bug the hell out of me.

Worst case: you could probably just run it under the case to the back.

Best case: you could probably just twist it around inside the case and run it out the back.

Also, I'm sure it's just laying there, but it looks like you have a SATA cable running to your graphics card!

The main problem i've found with the power supply is not that i couldnt make it fit on the rear, it was the cables that i needed to connect to the mobo where just too short. Anyway i've been verifying the temperatures and are just ok.

And i know about the hard drive, i want to use the original hard drive plate


But i need to modify the plate a little so i could place the hard drives vertically. i will do it tomorrow :p.

also your comments where like... .likee.... :(

to me :(
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