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I didn't even have the audio on but I can tell you that the hands flailing all over the place were extremely distracting. I won't actually watch it.
What a shocking video. So ill informed. But keep kidding yourself its just an iPod.

Also, the guy you caught talking in the Apple Vid, well that wasn't Jony Ive, that was Scott Forstall who is SVP of iPhone software. :apple:
Unbelievable.... stealing a professional, articulate, and insightful video review and pawning it off as your own...
Unbelievable.... stealing a professional, articulate, and insightful video review and pawning it off as your own...

It is mine... Or is that not what you meant, Yeah your being sarcastic... your very nice? can someone actually tell me why the ipad is Unique?
I didn't even have the audio on but I can tell you that the hands flailing all over the place were extremely distracting. I won't actually watch it.

Its called expressing dude, the video would be even duller if i was looking at the camera...
I don't want to be agist, but i think that you probably don't find an use for it at your age

I really find it a really cool device that is a great step up from the iPhone that can replace a my MacBook Pro in some cases like the stuff i do at home and it's also really fast and big, a great screen space i sometimes want with my iPhone, It fits my purpose, maybe it doesn't fit yours, but ranting about it on an iPad forums won't get you many people that agree with you :)
How do you review something you dont physically have?

Oh you talk smack about it for a minute.
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