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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
i know it said dont use a generic title but i just dont know how to explain my problem. sorry. :(

i have a 24 inch iMac 2.8GHz. i got it in september. i noticed the screen looks weird. i can't describe how it looks. :// you can't notice it on a white background. you can really notice it on gray and on blue. at first i thought the screen was just dirty but i tried cleaning it and it was still there. it kind of looks like when you touch a LCD screen. you know how it looks? it looks like that but its stuck there. i tried taking a picture but you can't really see it on a picture. ill try taking pictures and post them here.
Unfortunately LCDs aren't always 100% homogenous - and it can be plainly obviously on a dimmer solid color spanning the screen. My 24" imac (white) has this effect which can be seen on a solid light blue or light grey screen. (almost like gradual "ripples" from top to bottom)

Another *possible* thing you're seeing are artifacts being left on the screen due to polarization of the LCD. (its NOT burn-in) Displaying a static image for a period of time (say an open browser window) will leave an artifact (almost like a very lightly embossed version of the window) - that can last for a little while. (usually shutting down the computer, or just changing the screen image will remedy it).

Edit: Wearing polarized eyewear can also cause some REALLLLY weird effects with your LCD. If this is not your problem, I'd suggest grabbing a pair and looking at it anyhow. I use my LCD with polarized shades as a ghetto interferometer to inspect suspect optical assemblies.
thanks for the reply. ok i just checked and it is artifacts. the shapes of that matches my wallpaper. when i use browsers i dont fill up the entire screen and my wallpaper is showing the entire time. so how long does the computer have to be off? i do use the computer a lot from like 7pm to 2am. when i dont use it its always off. how long does the computer have to be off so the artifacts go away?
No it does not have to be shut off, but they tend to go away a little faster if it's powered down. (not fast enough to justify shutting down for me)

It's normal for LCDs, so I wouldn't worry about it.

One thing - running a screen saver like Flurry seems to change things around pretty quickly. (I have mine running as the desktop via desksaver plus, just because it creates a nice ambience)
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