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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
i downloaded this off cydia and paid the 5 bucks and now can text landscape and it has a lot more features but where can i change the logo?
i want to change it because im using stereo lepard and want it to look like the normal text icon. does anybody know where the .png file is?
I would also like to know this. How is mysms? does it look like the regular sms when you open it?
it looks the same and there are more features on it that should of came with the phone
1. install winterboard
2. ssh into iphone
3. cd /var/stash/Themes.randomstringhere/
4. mkdir -p "MySMS Icon.theme/Icons"
5. cd "MySMS Icon.theme/Icons"
6. cp /Application/ MySMS.png

or osmething along those lines, been a while since i've done it.
Yeah you should have a look at irealsms. It is much better IMO and has nice features. Like quick-reply. You can reply to a text without exiting your current application.

irealsms sucks. when you get a text while you're in landscape mode, the sms looks all jumbled up. also if you have large sms conversations then it takes FOREVER to load them. just way too slow and annoying.
irealsms sucks. when you get a text while you're in landscape mode, the sms looks all jumbled up. also if you have large sms conversations then it takes FOREVER to load them. just way too slow and annoying.

I think the only neat thing about Irealsms is the Quick reply witch I love but I do find it REALLY SLow.. :mad:
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